Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Convergence of a global stochastic optimization algorithm with partial step size restarting
This work develops a class of stochastic global optimization algorithms that are...
A revised simplex search procedure for stochastic simulation response surface optimization
We develop a variant of the Nelder–Mead (NM) simplex search procedure for...
Discrete search methods for optimizing stochastic systems
In simulation practice, although estimating the performance of a complex stochastic...
Stochastic optimization of discrete event systems simulation
The Score Function (SF) method has been proposed to estimate the gradient of a...
Optimization of composite laminates with cutouts using genetic algorithm, variable metric and complex search methods
Optimization of composite laminates with cutouts is a complex problem, involving...
Cost optimization of steel structures
While the weight of a steel structure is a major component of the total cost, the...
Portfolio optimization under a minimax rule
This paper provides a new portfolio selection rule. The objective is to minimize the...
Minmax regret median location on a network under uncertainty
We consider the 1-median problem on a network with uncertain weights of nodes....
A fuzzy Hopfield–Tank traveling salesman problem model
This article describes a Hopfield–Tank model of the Euclidean traveling salesman...
A control-limit policy and software for condition-based maintenance optimization
The focus of the paper is the optimization of condition-based maintenance decisions...
Modelling stochastic lead times in a production-inventory system based on the Laplace transform method
Stochastic properties of a multi-period production-inventory system have been studied...
Introducing capacity limitations into multi-level, multi-stage production-inventory systems applying the input–output/Laplace transform approach
The Laplace transform and Input–Output Analysis have been used to formulate a...
A decomposition-based pricing procedure for large-scale linear programs: An application to the linear multicommodity flow problem
We propose and test a new pricing procedure for solving large-scale structured linear...
Some polynomial programming problems solving with a clustering algorithm
In my study I describe an optimum search clustering algorithm and I demonstrate its...
Genetic algorithm in uncertain environments for solving stochastic programming problem
Many real problems with uncertainties may often be formulated as Stochastic...
A structure-exploiting tool in algebraic modeling languages
A new concept is proposed for linking algebraic modeling languages with...
Integrating product design and manufacturing: A game theoretic approach
One approach for increasing the quality of a product and the efficiency of its...
An integrated analytical/simulation approach for economic design of an automated guided vehicle system
This paper proposes an integrated analytical/simulation approach for designing an...
Allocation of tasks to specialized processors: A planning approach
This paper addresses the problem of scheduling randomly arriving tasks of different...
Optimal burn-in decision for products with a unimodal failure rate function
Some lifetime distributions have a unimodal failure rate function, where a critical...
A simulated annealing approach for buffer allocation in reliable production lines
We describe a simulated annealing approach for solving the buffer allocation problem...
Optimal timing of project control points
The project control cycle consists of measuring the status of the project, comparing...
An operational decision model for lead-time and price quotation in congested manufacturing systems
This paper considers the problem of determining the lead-time and price to be quoted...
Endogenous optimization fisheries models
This paper deals with a special class of fisheries models referred to as endogenous...
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