Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Evaluation of a management strategies for the operation of high-speed railways in China
High-speed train (HST) operations have recenly been introduced in rail passenger...
Towards a welfare enhancing process to manage railway infrastructure access
The European Commission has suggested that the use of scarce railway track capacity...
A highway corridor planning model: QROAD
This model calculates an optimal investment plan for a highway corridor or number of...
High-occupancy/toll lanes: Where should they be implemented?
Since the first high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane was implemented in Orange County,...
Profitability and welfare gain of private toll roads in a network with heterogeneous users
The recent worldwide tendency towards the introduction of commercially and privately...
History of mathematical programming in the USSR: Analyzing the phenomenon
I am not a historian; these are just reminiscences of a person involved in the...
An empirical analysis of the optimal overbooking policies for US major airlines
Overbooking in the airline industry has been studied intensively. However, these...
A rule-based real-time traffic responsive signal control system with transit priority: Application to an isolated intersection
Previous experience has shown that real-time, traffic-responsive signal control has...
A reserve capacity model of optimal signal control with user-equilibrium route choice
In this paper, we combine the concept of reserve capacity with the continuous...
Genetic algorithms in bus network optimization
This paper focuses on a new method to compute fitness function ( ff ) values in...
Coordinated and integrated control of motorway networks via non-linear optimal control
The problem of designing integrated traffic control strategies for motorway networks...
Optimization of mainline traffic via an adaptive co-ordinated ramp-metering control model with dynamic origin/destination estimation
Frequently implemented at freeway accesses to streamline traffic, ramp-metering...
Reflected forward–backward stochastic differential equations and obstacle problems with boundary conditions
In this paper we study a class of forward–backward stochastic differential...
Generalised linear accident models and goodness of fit testing
This paper has two aims. The primary aim is to provide a practical resolution of the...
Control of vehicle dispatching on a cyclic route serving trucking terminals
In the less-than-truckload industry, it is commonplace to designate specific routes...
A steady-state solution for the optimal pavement resurfacing problem
This paper presents a solution approach for the problem of optimising the frequency...
Efficient use of airport capacity
The capacity of 35 Brazilian domestic airports was analyzed with a view to determining...
Itinerary-based airline fleet assignment
We consider the airline fleet assignment problem involving the profit maximizing...
Optimal portfolio selection of assets with transaction costs and no short sales
In this paper we study the optimal portfolio selection problem for assets. A...
Optimization of multistage vapour compression systems using genetic algorithms. Part 1: Vapour compression system model
The vapour compression cycle is the most common type of refrigeration cycle in use...
Optimization of multistage vapour compression systems using genetic algorithms. Part 2: Application of genetic algorithm and results
Genetic algorithms involve the coding of a solution into a binary string in the same...
Piece-by-piece approach to solving large nonlinear water resources management models
Most large nonlinear optimization models are composed of ‘pieces’ –...
An optimal distribution of searching effort relaxing the assumption of local effectiveness
In this paper, taking account of the detectability of a sensor for a target being in...
Object-oriented abstraction of contemporary forest management design
This paper presents a conceptual object-oriented design (OOD) framework for...
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