Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Optimizing the periodic pick-up of raw materials for a manufacturer of auto parts
We describe a solution procedure for a special case of the periodic vehicle routing...
Raw material inventory solution in iron and steel industry using Lagrangian relaxation
Because raw material inventories can compensate for the unexpected demand fluctuations...
Optimization of resources for the operation of installing anchors of offshore equipment
In this work is explored a planning methodology for deep water anchor lines deployment...
Locating landfills – optimization vs. reality
This paper examines the locations of landfills and garbage transfer stations in New...
Optimization of congestion pricing road network with variable demands
This paper addresses a new optimization scheme designed for a congestion pricing road...
Sensitivity analysis for optimal control of problems governed by semilinear parabolic equations
The authors investigate an optimal control problem governed by a semilinear parabolic...
Tabu Search – a guided tour
The paper provides the overview of ideas behind the Tabu Search – one of the...
A deterministic inventory/production model with general inventory cost rate function and piecewise linear concave production costs
We present a thorough analysis of the economic production quantity model with...
Optimality conditions and a classification of duality schemes in vector optimization
Vector minimization oj a relation F valued in an ordered vector space under a...
The uncapacitated facility location problem with demand-dependent setup and service costs and customer-choice allocation
We consider a generalization of the uncapacitated facility location problem, where the...
A polynomial algorithm for the multicriteria cent-dian location problem
Given a network with several weights per node and several lengths per edge, we address...
Minmax regret location–allocation problem on a network under uncertainty
We consider a robust location–allocation problem with uncertainty in demand...
Solving a Huff-like competitive location and design model for profit maximization in the plane
A chain wants to set up a single new facility in a planar market where similar...
On optimal operating conditions for a data processing system: A stochastic approach
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining optimal operating conditions for...
An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty
In this work the design of a reverse distribution network is studied. Most of the...
Optimizing an objective function under a bivariate probability model
The motivation of this paper is to obtain an analytical closed form of a quadratic...
Economic off-line quality control strategy with two types of inspection errors
A commonly used quality control method is to inspect products to identify their...
Solving multi-objective production scheduling problems with Tabu Search
Most of multiple criteria scheduling problems are NP-hard, so that exact procedures...
An exact algorithm for a single-vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes
This paper describes an exact algorithm for solving a problem where the same vehicle...
One-dimensional cutting stock optimization in consecutive time periods
The paper deals with the general one-dimensional cutting stock problem (G1D-CSP),...
Life cycle optimization of building energy systems
A life cycle optimization model intended to potentially reduce the environmental...
Multi-disciplinary design optimization of a combustor
A technique for design optimization of a combustor is presented. This technique...
Multiperiod portfolio optimization models in stochastic markets using the mean–variance approach
We consider several multiperiod portfolio optimization models where the market...
A model for cost estimation of system for piggery wastes treatment ponds: a case study
This article presents the results from the monitoring of a system of ponds for the...
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