Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Nonsmooth optimization reformulations characterizing all solutions of jointly convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems
Generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs) allow, in contrast to standard Nash...
Parallel algorithms for continuous multifacility competitive location problems
We consider a continuous location problem in which a firm wants to set up two or more...
Nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming: best D.C. decompositions and their SDP representations
We propose in this paper a general D.C. decomposition scheme for constructing SDP...
Discrete time dynamic traffic assignment models and solution algorithm for managed lanes
‘Managed’ lanes of highways usually refer to lanes that are not open to...
A heterogeneous cooperative parallel search of branch‐and‐bound method and tabu search algorithm
In this study, we present a heterogeneous cooperative parallel search that integrates...
Generalized Benders’ Decomposition for topology optimization problems
This article considers the non‐linear mixed 0–1 optimization problems...
Particle swarm optimization for bi‐level pricing problems in supply chains
With rapid technological innovation and strong competition in hi‐tech...
An improved training algorithm for feedforward neural network learning based on terminal attractors
In this paper, an improved training algorithm based on the terminal attractor concept...
Multitime dynamic programming for multiple integral actions
This paper introduces a new type of dynamic programming PDE for optimal control...
A multi‐criteria optimization model for humanitarian aid distribution
Natural disasters are phenomenons which strike countries all around the world....
An intelligent multi‐criteria optimization method for quick and market‐oriented textile material design
Owing to various end‐uses and good performance/cost ratio, the multifunctional...
Self‐adaptive randomized and rank‐based differential evolution for multimodal problems
Differential Evolution (DE) is a widely used successful evolutionary algorithm (EA)...
Low order‐value approach for solving VaR‐constrained optimization problems
In Low Order‐Value Optimization (LOVO) problems the sum of the r smallest...
Exact Algorithms for the Bottleneck Steiner Tree Problem
Given n points, called terminals, in the plane ℝ 2 and a positive integer k , the...
Online keyword based advertising: Impact of ad impressions on own‐channel and cross‐channel click‐through rates
Keyword‐based ads are becoming the dominant form of advertising online as they...
Perishable inventory management system with a minimum volume constraint
The federal government maintains large quantities of medical supplies in stock as part...
A branching scheme for minimum cost tournaments with regard to real‐world constraints
Single round robin tournaments are a well‐known class of sports leagues...
Optimality conditions for a bilevel matroid problem
In bilevel programming there are two decision makers, the leader and the follower, who...
PTAS for minimum weighted connected vertex cover problem with c‐local condition in unit disk graphs
Given a graph G =( V , E ) with node weight w : V → R + , the minimum...
Minimizing makespan in an ordered flow shop with machine‐dependent processing times
We consider a generalization of the proportionate flow shop problem with the makespan...
SIRALINA: efficient two‐steps heuristic for storage optimisation in single period task scheduling
In this paper, we study the general problem of one‐dimensional periodic task...
Polynomially solvable special cases of the quadratic bottleneck assignment problem
Quadratic bottleneck assignment problems (QBAP) are obtained by replacing the addition...
An efficient memetic algorithm for the graph partitioning problem
Given a graph and an integer k , the goal of the graph partitioning problem is to find...
Gradient algorithms for quadratic optimization with fast convergence rates
We propose a family of gradient algorithms for minimizing a quadratic function f ( x...
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