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Keyword: optimization
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Sequencing of multi-level mixed-model assembly systems for Just-in-Time manufacturing
Ng W.C.
Effective assembly sequence is essential to production smoothing for Just-in-Time...
Combinatorial optimization techniques for spacecraft scheduling automation
Scherer William T.
Most spacecraft have extremely limited resources compared with the state of the art in...
An algorithm for the inflow control problem on urban freeway networks with user optimal flows
Yang Hai
A successive linear optimization method is proposed to efficiently solve the on-ramp...
Traffic assignment in a congested discrete/continuous transportation system
Yang Hai
Consider a city where all workplaces are concentrated in a highly compact central...
Some experiences on solving multiconstraint zero-one knapsack problems with genetic algorithms
Voss Stefan
In the multiconstraint zero-one knapsack problem one has to decide on how to make...
A sequential quadratic programming algorithm utilizing QR matrix factorization
Kao C.
Some recent studies indicate that the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) approach...
Integrated simulation and optimization models for tracking indices of fixed-income securities
Zenios Stavros A.
Increasing performance pressures on fixed-income managers have led to a search for new...
Why should biconnected components be identified first
Hochbaum Dorit S.
Most graph optimization problems are solved on each connected component of the graph...
Optimization of system reliability using 0-1 linear programming with interval coefficients
Gen Mitsuo
The authors propose a method for solving 0-1 linear programming problems with both...
Optimizing the worst achievement rate in linear programming problems with an interval objective function
Sakawa Masatoshi
In this paper, a new solution concept for linear programming problem with an interval...
A capacitated multi-commodity network design problem: A solution method for finding a lower bound using valid inequalities
Kasugai Hiroshi
Network design problems with multi-commodities and capacitated links, such as...
A practical approach to decomposable nonlinear programming problems
Ibaraki Toshihide
Nonlinear programming problems often contain two types of variables; one appears...
Optimal multiprocessor task scheduling using dominance and equivalence relations
Chou Hong-Chich
The authors propose an optimization scheme for unit-execution-time task scheduling on...
More on the minimality of search paths under continuous univariate distributions
Balkhi Z.
A searcher looks for a stationary target on a line. The target’s position is...
Optimal channel allocation for cellular mobile systems with nonuniform traffic distribution
Kim Sehun
The problem of optimally allocating available communication channels in a cellular...
Optimization of overall excavation costs in a coal strip mine
Favreau Roger
Coal strip mines are usually large scale operations that excavate millions of tons of...
Optimal control of a manufacturing process that involves trial runs
Yao David D.
The authors study a manufacturing process that is quite common in semiconductor wafer...
A survey of parallel algorithms for one-dimensional integer knapsack problems
Gerasch Thomas
This article surveys several methods that can be used to solve integer knapsack...
Armijo-type condition for the determination of a Generalized Cauchy Point in trust region algorithms using exact or inexact projections on convex constraints
Sartenaer A.
This paper considers some aspects of two classes of trust region methods for solving...
Microcomputer performance of ‘FABLE’ on Hoffmann’s data sets
Johnson Roger V.
Some of the legitimacy of Hoffmann’s Eureka is gained from his statement that...
Response to note on microcomputer performance of ‘FABLE’ on Hoffmann’s data sets
Hoffmann Thomas R.
This is a comment on the previous paper.
A successive quadratic programming decomposition method for large-scale nonlinear programming problems
Ibaraki Toshihide
Large-scale nonlinear programming problems usually contain a relatively small number...
A parametric successive underestimation method for convex programming problems with an additional convex multiplicative constraint
Kuno Takahito
This paper addresses itself to an algorithm for a convex minimization probelm with an...
Scheduling under the due date criterion with varying penalties for lateness
Pappis Costas P.
The problem of scheduling jobs in a single machine, with due dates being assigned...
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