Keyword: Newton method

Found 64 papers in total
Variable metric bundle methods: From conceptual to implementable forms
To minimize a convex function, we combine Moreau–Yosida regularizations,...
A preconditioning proximal Newton method for nondifferentiable convex optimization
We propose a proximal Newton method for solving nondifferentiable convex optimization....
Modified Newton methods for solving a semismooth reformulation of monotone complementarity problems
In this paper, we propose a Newton-type method for solving a semismooth reformulation...
A nonsmooth inexact Newton method for the solution of large-scale nonlinear complementarity problems
A new algorithm for the solution of large-scale nonlinear complementarity problems is...
Solution of monotone complementarity problems with locally Lipschitzian functions
The paper deals with complementarity problems CP( F ), where the underlying function F...
On piecewise quadratic Newton and trust region problems
Some recent algorithms for nonsmooth optimization require solutions to certain...
On finite termination of an iterative method for linear complementarity problems
Based on a well-known reformulation of the linear complementarity problem (LCP) as a...
A semismooth equation approach to the solution of nonlinear complementarity problems
In this paper we present a new algorithm for the solution of nonlinear complementarity...
Alcohol and occupational injuries among older workers
No abstract.
A pathsearch damped Newton method for computing general equilibria
Computable general equilibrium models and other types of variational inequalities play...
Superlinearly convergent approximate Newton methods for LC1 optimization problems
In the literature, the proof of superlinear convergence of approximate Newton or SQP...
A nonsmooth Newton method for variational inequalities, I: Theory
This paper presents a modified damped Newton algorithm for solving variational...
A nonsmooth Newton method for variational inequalities, II: Numerical results
This paper presents the results of extensive computational testing of the modified...
The least prior deviation quasi-Newton update
The authors propose a new choice for the parameter in the Broyden class and derive and...
On the convergence of interior-reflective Newton methods for nonlinear minimization subject to bounds
The authors consider a new algorithm, an interior-reflective Newton approach, for the...
Approximate quasi-Newton methods
The authors consider the effect of approximation on performance of quasi-Newton...
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