Keyword: vacation models

Found 135 papers in total
Analysis of MX / G / 1 queueing model with balking and vacation
In this paper, a single server queueing model, wherein the units arrive in bulk with...
Single server unreliable queueing model with removable service station
This investigation deals with a single server queueing model with a removable service...
A two‐phase quorum queueing system with Bernoulli vacation schedule, setup, and N‐policy for an unreliable server with delaying repair
We present in this paper a thorough classified review of queueing system with...
Steady state analysis of a bulk arrival general bulk service queueing system with modified M‐vacation policy and variant arrival rate
In this paper, a M [X] /G (a, b)/1 queueing system with modified...
Steady state analysis of a non‐Markovian bulk queue with restricted vacations
A M X /G(a, b)/1 queueing system with restricted number of vacations is considered...
Bi‐level threshold policy of MX/(G1,G2/1 queue with early setup and single vacation
In this paper, we analyse a queueing system with a second optional service channel...
Recursive solution of queue length distribution for Geo/G/1 queue with single server vacation and variable input rate
In this paper we consider discrete time Geo/G/1 queue with single server vacation and...
The performance measures and randomized optimization for an unreliable server M[x]/G/1 vacation system
This paper examines an M [ x ] /G/1 queueing system with a randomized vacation policy...
Performance analysis of a GI/M/1 queue with single working vacation
Consider a GI/M/1 queue with single working vacation. During the vacation period, the...
A deteriorating system with its repairman having multiple vacations
This paper considers a repairable system with a repairman, who can take multiple...
A batch arrival queue with a random setup time under Bernoulli vacation schedule
We consider an Mx/G/1 queueing system with a random setup time under Bernoulli...
A queueing model with start-up/close-down times and retrial customers
We consider a queueing system with Poisson arrivals and arbitrarily distributed...
On Lévy-driven vacation models with correlated busy periods and service interruptions
This paper considers queues with server vacations, but departs from the traditional...
Bernoulli schedule vacation queue with batch arrivals and random system breakdowns having general repair time distribution
We analyse a single server queue with general service time distribution, random system...
Analysis of a batch retrial queue with Bernoulli vacation and starting failures
A batch arrival retrial queue with general retrial times is studied in this paper,...
Synchronized reneging in queueing systems with vacations
In this paper we present a detailed analysis of queueing models with vacations and...
The M/M/1 queue with single working vacation and set-up times
Using quasi birth and death process and matrix-geometric solution method, an M/M/1...
A quorum queueing system with Bernoulli vacation schedule and restricted admission
In this paper, we investigate the bulk service queue with Bernoulli vacation schedule...
GI/G/1/8 batch arrival queueing system with a single exponential vacation
In the article the queueing system of GI/G/1 type with batch arrival of...
Analysis of a discrete-time GI/Geo/1 queue with single vacation
We analyse a discrete-time GI/Geo/1 queue with vacation in which the server takes...
A two-phase queueing system with repeated attempts and Bernoulli vacation schedule
This paper deals with the steady-state behaviour of an M/G/1 queue with repeated...
Analysis of a multi-server queue with Markovian arrivals and synchronous phase type vacations
We study a MAP/M/c queueing system in which a group of servers take a simultaneous...
Queue Length Distribution in M/G/1, M^X/G/1 and their Variants with Completion Time
By applying the Takacs' technique about the busy period to the regenerative cycle...
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