Keyword: competition

Found 84 papers in total
Wintel: cooperation and conflict
We study competitive interactions between Intel and Microsoft, two producers of...
Incumbent and entrant rivalry in a deregulated industry
This paper examines how two general cohorts of firms, entrants and incumbents, differ...
Strategic technology choice and capacity investment under demand uncertainty
This paper studies the impact of competition on a firm’s choice of technology...
Stable farsighted coalitions in competitive markets
In this paper, we study dynamic alliance formation among agents in competitive...
Competitive bundling and counterbundling with generalist and specialist firms
Bundling, which is the practice of selling two or more products or services in a...
Organizational design and the intensity of rivalry
We analyze the effect of managerial compensation schemes and organizational structure...
The effect of competition on recovery strategies
Manufacturers often face a choice of whether to recover the value in their end-of-life...
Some empirical regularities in market shares
We present some empirical regularities in the market shares of brands. Our...
How do value creation and competition determine whether a firm appropriates value?
How does competition among economic actors determine the value that each is able to...
Random walks and sustained competitive advantage
Strategy is concerned with sustained interfirm profitability differences. Observations...
Competitive implications of interfirm mobility
This paper examines the competitive consequences of interfirm mobility. Because the...
Consumer addressability and customized pricing
The increasing availability of customer information is giving many firms the ability...
Sustained Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage is a key concept in strategic management research for a number...
Costs and benefits of inducing intraband competition: the role of limited liability
When is inducing intraband competition (via nonexclusive distribution) an optimal...
Research issues at the boundary of competitive dynamics and market evolution
Building on the observation that competitive dynamics and market evolution are...
Competition in service industries
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was a finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Supply Chain Management analysis methodology: structure, business processes and management components
In the present business environment, one can observe that competition occurs between...
A mixed complementarity model of hydrothermal electricity competition in the western United States
This paper presents a modeling framework for analyzing competition between multiple...
Model of hypercompetition
A dynamic model of hypercompetition is developed through the specification of...
Exploiting a cost advantage and coping with a cost disadvantage
This paper provides an empirical investigation of how firms with cost advantages (cost...
Channel dynamics under price and service competition
This paper studies a distribution system in which a manufacturer supplies a common...
Price and time competition for service delivery
Many service firms use delivery time guarantees to compete for customers in the...
Competitive priorities in operations management
Identifying manufacturers' competitive priorities has long been considered a key...
Rational behaviour and cooperation degree in competitive situations
Decision makers in competitive situations care not only about their own interests but...
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