Keyword: land use

Found 9 papers in total
A needs analysis method for land-use planning of illegal dumping sites: A case study in Aomori‐Iwate, Japan
Land use at contaminated sites, following remediation, is often needed for regional...
How do built-environment factors affect travel behavior? A spatial analysis at different geographic scales
Much of the literature shows that a compact city with well‐mixed land use tends...
Integrated analysis of land use changes and their impacts on agrarian livelihoods in the western highlands of Kenya
Land degradation is affecting rural livelihoods across sub‐Saharan Africa....
A system dynamics approach to land use changes in agro‐pastoral systems on the desert margins of Sahel
Land use changes in the Sahel are influenced by multiple socio‐economic and...
Strategic agricultural land‐use planning in response to water‐supplier variation in a China’s rural region
A strategic agricultural land‐use planning approach was proposed in response to...
Grazing as a post‐mining land use: A conceptual model of the risk factors
Driven principally by government regulation and societal expectations, mining...
The fuzziness of Montado landscapes: progress in assessing user preferences through photo‐based surveys
The European Landscape Convention (2000) states that landscape is an important...
Uncertain benefits: Application of Bayesian melding to the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle
Uncertainty is inherent in major infrastructure projects, but public...
Commuting trips within tours: how is commuting related to land use?
Studies that model the effects of land use on commuting generally use a...
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