Keyword: social

Found 631 papers in total
The Impact of Losing in a Competition on the Willingness to Seek Further Challenges
How do people react to setbacks and successes? I use a laboratory experiment to...
Swallow: Resource and Tag Recommender System Based on Heat Diffusion Algorithm in Social Annotation Systems
Social annotation systems (SAS) allow users to annotate different online resources...
Estimating the parameters of system dynamics models using indirect inference
There is limited methodological guidance for estimating system dynamics (SD) models...
Supporting new product commercialization through managerial social ties and market knowledge development in an emerging economy
While it has been advocated that the generation and application of market knowledge...
Exploring acquaintances of social network site users for effective social event recommendations
In this paper, we propose a social event recommendation method that exploits a user's...
Recommendations based on Social Relationships in Mobile Services
The scarcity problem in user–product matrix has become severe, which is...
Liberal Learning Through the Decision Sciences Curriculum
To formulate a plan for affecting the future, business schools must first understand...
The Integrative Business Experience: Real Choices and Real Consequences Create Real Thinking
This article describes an innovation called the Integrative Business Experience (IBE)...
Using Social Constructivist Pedagogy to Implement Liberal Learning in Business Education
This article outlines how decision sciences instructors, by pairing Liberal Learning...
Navigating Disruptive Innovation in Undergraduate Business Education
The undergraduate business education landscape is dramatically changing and will...
Cross-Cultural Management Learning Through Innovative Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study of Globally Distributed Student Teams
This article presents an innovative pedagogy based on student participation in...
The Effect of Social Interaction on Economic Transactions: Evidence from Changes in Two Retail Formats
Examining changes in two different retail formats, we show that consumers alter their...
Political Values, Culture, and Corporate Litigation
Using one of the largest samples of litigation data available to date, we examine...
A Structural Model of Employee Behavioral Dynamics in Enterprise Social Media
We develop and estimate a dynamic structural framework to analyze the...
Social Contagion in New Product Trial and Repeat
The notion of peer influence in new product adoption or trial is well accepted. We...
Time to Come Clean? Disclosure and Inspection Policies for Green Production
We examine the interplay between two important decisions that impact environmental...
Trends and patterns in the triple burden of malnutrition in India
This paper brings together recent evidence on what has come to be referred to as the...
The nutrition transition and agricultural transformation: a Preston curve approach
The nutrition transition in diets and health is closely tied to other aspects of...
Container hub port competition and cooperation in Northeast Asia
In response to the fierce competition in the market of container cargo transportation,...
The moderating effect of supply chain role on the relationship between social capital and performance
The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between supply...
Mortality Patterns of Hydro-Geomorphologic Disasters
Social impacts caused by floods and landslides in Portugal in the period of...
Chemical Manufacturing and Refining Industry Legitimacy: Reflective Management, Trust, Precrisis Communication to Achieve Community Efficacy
Calls for emergency right‐to‐know in the 1980s, and, in the 1990s, risk...
Altruism During Ebola: Risk Perception, Issue Salience, Cultural Cognition, and Information Processing
A nationally representative sample of 1,046 U.S. adults was randomly assigned to two...
Satisficing, preferences, and social interaction: a new perspective
Satisficing is a central concept in both individual and social multiagent decision...
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