Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
Optimal design of a synthetic chart for monitoring process dispersion with unknown in-control variance
For a stable manufacturing process, quality problems are often caused by changes in...
A job profile oriented scheduling architecture for improving the throughput of industrial printing environments
The Digital Printing industry has become extremely specialized in the past few years....
Robust assembly line balancing with heterogeneous workers
Assembly lines are manufacturing systems in which a product is assembled progressively...
Dynamic milk-run OEM operations in over-congested traffic conditions
Dynamic vehicle routing problems have received increasing attention in the literature...
Optimal lead time policy for short life cycle products under Conditional Value-at-Risk criterion
The lead time reduction problem in a supply chain with a risk‐averse retailer...
Routing distributions and their impact on dispatch rules
Motivated by the job‐shop production process of our industry partner, we...
An efficient heuristic for a two-stage assembly scheduling problem with batch setup times to minimize makespan
This paper considers a two‐stage assembly scheduling problem of N products with...
Job selection in two-stage shops with ordered machines
We consider job selection problems in two‐stage flow shops, open shops and job...
Optimization model for the detailed scheduling of multi-source pipelines
Pipeline networks are the shippers’ first choice for carrying large volumes of...
A Decision Support System for Operating Room scheduling
In this paper we present a Decision Support System (DSS) for surgery scheduling which...
A hybrid algorithm based on a new neighborhood structure evaluation method for job shop scheduling problem
Job shop scheduling problem (JSP) which is widespread in the real‐world...
A combined OWA‐DEA method for dispatching rule selection
Dispatching rule selection is an important issue in dynamic scheduling of production...
Machine scheduling with deteriorating and resource-dependent maintenance activity
In this paper we investigate scheduling problems with a deteriorating and...
The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with sequence-dependent cut losses
The paper presents a new generalization of the one‐dimensional cutting stock...
Two-stage two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems with usable leftover
In this study, we solve the nonexact two‐stage two‐dimensional...
Determining the best shipper sizes for sending products to customers
A distribution company has to send products, packed into shippers, from the warehouse...
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the minimization of open stacks problem
This paper describes a biased random‐key genetic algorithm (BRKGA) for the...
A mixed integer programming formulation for the three-dimensional bin packing problem deriving from an air cargo application
The present paper discusses the problem of optimizing the loading of boxes into...
Heuristics for the combined cut order planning two-dimensional layout problem in the apparel industry
Cut order planning (COP) is an NP‐hard nonlinear optimization problem. Managers...
The stacker crane problem and the directed general routing problem
In this article, we deal with the polyhedral description and the resolution of the...
Efficient algorithms for the maximum concurrent flow problem
In this article, we propose a generic decomposition scheme for the maximum concurrent...
A compact linear programming formulation of the maximum concurrent flow problem
We present an alternative linear programming formulation of the maximum concurrent...
Reaching the elementary lower bound in the vehicle routing problem with time windows
In this article, we present a comparative study of several strategies that can be...
Scatter search for the profile minimization problem
We study the problem of minimizing the profile of a graph and develop a solution...
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