Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
A dynamic programming approach of finding an optimal broadcast schedule in minimizing total flow time
We study the problem of (off-line) broadcast scheduling in minimizing total flow time...
Combinatorial auctions: a survey
Many auctions involve the sale of a variety of distinct assets. Examples are airport...
On optimal placement of relay nodes for reliable connectivity in wireless sensor networks
The paper addresses the relay node placement problem in two-tiered wireless sensor...
Efficient point coverage in wireless sensor networks
We study minimum-cost sensor placement on a bounded 3D sensing field, R , which...
A branch-and-price approach for the maximum weight independent set problem
The maximum weight-independent set problem (MWISP) is one of the most well-known and...
State-of-the-art exact and heuristic solution procedures for simple assembly line balancing
The assembly line balancing problem arises and has to be solved when an assembly line...
Combinatorial optimization for trip planning
This paper sketches why trip planning is important but also why it is a difficult...
An optimization model and multiple matching heuristics for quality planning in manufacturing systems
Planning quality control operations for parts assigned to a manufacturing system is an...
Combinatorial landscapes
Fitness landscapes have proven to be a valuable concept in evolutionary biology,...
On a standard time transportation problem
This paper studies a standard time transportation problem. Parallel transportation is...
A survey and annotated bibliography of multiobjective combinatorial optimization
This paper provides a survey of the research in and an annotated bibliography of...
Algorithms for order cutting in the paper industry
More than 35 years after Gilmore and Gomory published their column generation...
Genetic iterated local search algorithm and its optimization performance
Standard iterated local search (ILS) algorithms for the traveling salesman problem...
Rollout algorithms for combinatorial optimization
We consider the approximate solution of discrete optimization problems using...
Combinatorial optimization by dynamic contraction
A heuristic optimization methodology, Dynamic Contraction (DC), is introduced as an...
An algorithm for multiple shift scheduling of hierarchical workforce on four-day or three-day workweeks
This paper presents an optimal algorithm for multiple shift scheduling of hierarchical...
A simulated annealing code for general integer linear programs
This paper explores the use of simulated annealing (SA) for solving arbitrary...
Potential reduction algorithms for structured combinatorial optimization problems
Recently Karmarkar proposed a potential reduction algorithm for binary feasibility...
On the set covering polytope: Facets with coefficients in {0, 1, 2, 3}
Balas and Ng characterized the class of valid inequalities for the set covering...
Massively parallel analog tabu search using neural networks applied to simple plant location problems
Neural networks and tabu search are two very significant techniques which have emerged...
Constraint satisfaction and combinatorial optimization
The concept of constraints is the classical tool of the knowledge representation in...
Probabilistic combinatorial optimization problems on graphs: A new domain in operational research
We present a new research domain in Operational Research, probabilistic combinatorial...
New constructs for the description of combinatorial optimization problems in algebraic modeling languages
Algebraic languages are at the heart of many successful optimization modeling systems,...
Minmax combinatorial optimization
Let E be a finite set, and F be a family of subsets of E . For each element e ∈...
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