Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
Distribution Planning to Optimize Profits in the Motion Picture Industry
We consider the distribution planning problem in the motion picture industry. This...
Regulatory Trade Risk and Supply Chain Strategy
Trade regulations are an important driver of supply chain strategy in many industries....
Competitive Pricing in a Multi-Product Multi-Attribute Environment
We address the problem of simultaneous pricing of a line of several products, both...
Pool-Point Distribution of Zero-Inventory Products
We study zero-inventory production-distribution systems under pool-point delivery. The...
Facility Location: A Robust Optimization Approach
In this research, we apply robust optimization (RO) to the problem of locating...
Shelf Space Management When Demand Depends on the Inventory Level
Two factors that their influence on the demand has been investigated in many papers...
A Bayesian Inventory Model Using Real-Time Condition Monitoring Information
Lack of coordination between machinery fault diagnosis and inventory management for...
The Newsvendor Problem and Price-Only Contract When Bankruptcy Costs Exist
We study a supply chain of a supplier selling via a wholesale price contract to a...
An Analysis of Monopolistic and Competitive Take-Back Schemes for WEEE Recycling
We study two prevailing types of take-back schemes for electrical and electronic...
A Framework for Analysis of Production Authorization Card-Controlled Production Systems
A framework for the analysis of manufacturing systems operating under a production...
Modeling, simulation and optimization in logistics
This text summarizes the PhD thesis defended by the author in March 2009 under the...
Combinatorial identification problems and graph powers
This is a summary of the author’s PhD thesis supervised by Pr. Olivier Hudry and...
Minimizing the completion time of a project under resource constraints and feeding precedence relations: a Lagrangian relaxation based lower bound
In this paper we study the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP)...
Utilizing the information theory of entropy to solve an off‐line inspection problem
This study presents an off‐line inspection problem for a batch produced from a...
Innovation in input supply systems in smallholder agroforestry: seed sources, supply chains and support systems
Institutional innovation in providing inputs and services is a central element for...
Determination of production lot size and DC location in manufacturer DC retailer supply chains
Efficiency and responsiveness of global supply chains can no longer be achieved...
Modelling the transportation and warehousing of potassium chloride in the fertiliser industry
This study describes the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model...
Joint consideration of assembly‐line production smoothing and finished‐goods delivery efficiency in an automobile plant
This paper presents a Heuristic solution procedure to achieve an integrated...
An integrated vendor‐buyer inventory model with defective items and partial backlogging
This paper investigates the integrated vendor‐buyer inventory model in which...
On solving the Capacitated Hub Routing Problem
We introduce the combinatorial optimisation problem of routing freight on a...
A heuristic approach for Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem: a case study
A heuristic approach is proposed to solve a real Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem...
Volume Flexibility, Product Flexibility, or Both: The Role of Demand Correlation and Product Substitution
We analyze volume flexibility–the ability to produce above/below the installed...
The Role of Component Commonality in Product Assortment Decisions
We consider a firm that produces multiple variants of a product. Products are...
Development and optimisation of a new linear programming model for production#47;distribution network of an edible vegetable oils manufacturer
Supply Chain Management (SCM) concerns with the optimal flow of materials...
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