Keyword: databases

Found 30 papers in total
Optimal Indexes for Sparse Bit Vectors
We consider the problem of supporting rank and select operations on a bit vector of...
An ontology‐driven framework towards building enterprise semantic information layer
Enterprises Information Systems (EIS) have been applied for decades in...
Robust formulations for clustering‐based large‐scale classification
Chebyshev‐inequality‐based convex relaxations of...
REQUEST: A Query Language for Customizing Recommendations
Initially popularized by, recommendation technologies have become...
Image indexing and retrieval in JPEG compressed domain based on vector quantization
This paper presents a new and effective image indexing technique that extracts...
A formal ontology of knowing and knowledge
The paper presents a formalisation of one of the leading ontologies in Knowledge...
Lightweight Data Indexing and Compression in External Memory
In this paper we describe algorithms for computing the Burrows‐Wheeler...
Exact and heuristic methods for cell suppression in multi-dimensional linked tables
The increasing demand for information, coupled with the increasing capability of...
Is query reuse potentially harmful? Anchoring and adjustment in adapting existing database queries
Reusing database queries by adapting them to satisfy new information requests is an...
Requirements-driven database systems benchmark method
Benchmarks are the vital tools in the performance measurement, evaluation, and...
Space-efficient cubes for on-line analytical processing range-sum queries
Data cubes support a powerful data analysis method called the range-sum query. The...
Perturbing nonnormal confidential attributes: The copula approach
Protecting confidential, numerical data in databases from disclosure is an important...
Privacy protection of binary confidential data against deterministic, stochastic, and insider threat
A practical model and an associated method are developed for providing consistent,...
Exploring the effect of replacement levels on data fusion methods: A Monte Carlo simulation approach
Data fusion is a technique used for creating an integrated database by combining two...
The theory of SML schema-directed query
SML is a modeling language for the structured modeling framework, which represents the...
Policies for data archival in hierarchical storage management
We present a model to manage data across a memory hierarchy consisting of two levels...
Composite event support in an active database
An intelligent or active database system is able to provide support to engineering...
Linear programming model discovery from databases using GPS and artificial neural networks
The linear programming model is a special form of useful knowledge that is embedded in...
Query optimization in distributed relational databases
The query optimizer is the DBMS (data base management system) component whose task is...
Applying version management of object-oriented database technology in reactive scheduling
The focal points of reactive scheduling are to resolve the impact of emergent and...
A general additive data perturbation method for database security
The security of organizational databases has received considerable attention in the...
Interval protection of confidential information in a database
We deal with the question of how to maintain security of confidential information in a...
Optimal garbage collection policies for a database in a computer system
It has recently become necessary to maintain a database periodically and economically...
Optimal file management in a hybrid storage system
In this paper the authors analyze a hybrid storate system for data management which...
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