Keyword: statistics: general

Found 441 papers in total
Inducer: a public domain workbench for data mining
This paper describes the facilities available in Inducer, a public domain...
Maximizing accuracy of shared databases when concealing sensitive patterns
The sharing of databases either within or across organizations raises the possibility...
On data reliability assessment in accounting information systems
The need to ensure reliability of data in information systems has long been...
Estimating the steady-state mean from short transient simulations
Steady-state mean performance is a common basis for evaluating discrete event...
Risk economies of scale in the finance and insurance industries: Placing the right emphasis in introductory business statistics
Most undergraduate and graduate business programs include a required introductory...
A new foundation for the mean–variance analysis
In this paper, I re-examine how the mean–variance analysis is consistent with...
The accuracy of intermittent demand estimates
Intermittent demand appears sporadically, with some time periods showing no demand at...
Blitzograms – interactive histograms
This is an interactive paper to discuss the use of interactive graphics in statistical...
Exploring online gamers' preference for online games
Many online content providers who use the Internet to distribute contents, such as...
An empirical analysis on electronic-store success model
This paper focused on empirically testing the ESM (Electronic-Store Success Model)....
Data envelopment analysis with stochastic variations in data
The mathematical programming-based technique data envelopment analysis (DEA) has often...
Causal modeling alternatives in operations research: Overview and application
This paper uses the relationships between three basic, fundamental and proven concepts...
Is smoking as deadly as you think? A research methods perspective
During the recent tobacco wars between the US cigarette industry and antismoking...
Bayesian network classifiers for identfying the slope of the customer lifecycle of long-life customers
Undoubtedly, customer relationship management has gained its importance through the...
Statistical analysis of local search landscapes
This paper discusses the application of some statistical estimation tools in trying to...
Analysis of the conditional stock-return distribution under incomplete specification
The analysis of the distribution of the stock-returns plays an important role in...
A Bayesian method on adaptive preventive maintenance problem
In this paper we consider a Bayesian theoretic approach to determine an optimal...
Statistical analysis and modelling of the mixing process of Euro coins in Germany and Europe
This paper reports on the mixing of Euro coins from different countries of origin in...
Data mining of the Australian adverse drug reactions database: a comparison of Bayesian and other statistical indicators
The Australian adverse drug reactions database is derived from 140,000 reports over 30...
Identifying indicators of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons development activity in sub-national terrorist groups
Data collected on known terrorist organizations allow intelligence agencies to build a...
Evaluation of the current decision rule in figure skating and possible improvements
The scandal in the 2002 Winter Olympic figure skating judging forced the International...
Issues reltated to sports gambling
This paper looks at various issues that are of interest to the sports gambler. First,...
Determinants of mutual fund underperformance: A Bayesian stochastic frontier approach
The purpose of this paper is to identify ex ante fund statistics that can be related...
Comparative statics under uncertainty: The case of mean-variance preferences
We analyze the comparative statics of optimal decisions under uncertainty when...
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