Journal: Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Found 9 papers in total
Method for solving multi-attribute decision-making problems with risk
Multiattribute decision problems with uncertainty exist widely in the real world. A...
The analysis of a discrete-time queuing system with batch arrival
The paper considered the discrete-time queueing system with batch arrival on the basis...
An algorithm based on tabu search method for job shop scheduling
An effective heuristic algorithm for solving the minimum makespan of job shop...
Modeling the dynamics of a two-stage supply chain: a switch system theory approach
The dynamic characteristics of a two-stage supply chain system, consisting of one...
Stable intervals of weight based on preference structure with indifferent intervals
Based on preference structure with indifference threshold of multicriteria decision, a...
Flowshop scheduling problem with a single server
The flowshop scheduling with a single server was considered, to determine a feasible...
(Q,r) inventory model with random lead time and partial backlogging
This paper presents two ( Q,r ) inventory models with random lead time and partial...
An investigation to optimize inventory for work-in-process among serial operations
By investigating the correlation between facility states and process parameters and...
Uncertain decision making with fuzzy information
This paper investigates a type of uncertain decision-making problem with fuzzy...
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