Journal: Discrete and Computational Geometry

Found 29 papers in total
Output-sensitive results on convex hulls, extreme points, and related problems
We use known data structures for ray-shooting and linear-programming queries to derive...
Approximate shortest paths and geodesic diameter on a convex polytope in three dimensions
Given a convex polytope P with n edges in ℝ 3 , we present a relatively simple...
On galleries with no bad points
For any k we construct a simply connected compact set (art gallery) in ℝ 3 whose...
Primal–dual methods for vertex and facet enumeration
Every convex polytope can be represented as the intersection of a finite set of...
Fitting a set of points by a circle
Given a set of points S = { p 1 , …, p n } in Euclidean d -dimensional space,...
The discrete 2-center problem
We present an algorithm for computing the discrete 2-center of a set P of n points in...
Approximate nearest neighbor queries revisited
This paper proposes new methods to answer approximate nearest neighbor queries on a...
An optimal algorithm for closest-pair maintenance
Given a set S of n points in k -dimensional space, and an L t metric, the dynamic...
Fast algorithms for complete linkage clustering
It is shown that the complete linkage clustering of n points can be computed in >O(...
A near-linear algorithm for the Planar 2-center problem
We present an O ( n log 9 n )-time algorithm for computing the 2-center of a set S of...
Sphere packings, II
An earlier paper describes a program to prove the Kepler conjecture on sphere...
Curved hexagonal packings of equal disks in a circle
For each k ≥ 1 and corresponding hexagonal number h ( k ) = 3 k ( k + 1)...
Bounded-independence derandomization of geometric partitioning with applications to parallel fixed-dimensional linear programming
We give fast and efficient methods for constructing ϵ-nets and...
Convex hulls of f- and β-vectors
In this paper we describe the convex hulls of the sets of f - and β-vectors of...
Primal dividing and dual pruning: Output-sensitive construction of four-dimensional polytopes and three-dimensional Voronoi diagrams
In this paper, we give an algorithm for output-sensitive construction of an f -face...
Faster approximation algorithms for the rectilinear Steiner tree problem
The classical Steiner tree problem requires a shortest tree spanning a given vertex...
An efficient algorithm for Euclidean shortest paths among polygonal obstacles in the plane
We give an algorithm to compute a (Euclidean) shortest path in a polygon with h holes...
Packing up to 50 equal circles in a square
The problem of maximizing the radius of n equal circles that can be packed into a...
Regular polytopes in ordinary space
The three aims of this paper are to obtain the proof by Dress of the completeness of...
On nearest-neighbor graphs
The ‘nearest-neighbor’ relation, or more generally the ‘ k...
A polyhedral approach for a constrained matching problem
Certain manpower scheduling problems can be solved as weighted matching problems with...
Average complexity of a gift-wrapping algorithm for determining the convex hull of randomly given points
This paper presents an algorithm and its probabilistic analysis for constructing the...
On the quantitative Steinitz theorem in the plane
We prove that for any k ≥ 4, any set X of points in the plane, and any point P...
Polytopes and the mean value property
Let P be any (not necessarily convex nor connected) solid polytope in the n...
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