Journal: Networks

Found 487 papers in total
Minimum work paths in elevated networks
A new variant of the shortest path problem involves a bicycle traveling from an origin...
Hide-and-seek games on a tree to which Eulerian networks are attached
We analyze the hide-and-seek game ⌈( G ) on certain networks G . The hider picks...
Shortest path network interdiction with asymmetric information
We consider an extension of the shortest path network interdiction problem. In this...
Reformulation and sampling to solve a stochastic network interdiction problem
The network interdiction problem involves interrupting an adversary's ability to...
Minimizing a stochastic maximum-reliability path
We consider a stochastic network interdiction problem in which the goal is to detect...
Price competition with elastic traffic
In this paper, we present a combined study of price competition and traffic control in...
Network search games, with arbitrary searcher starting point
We analyze a zero-sum game between a blind unit-speed searcher and a stationary hider...
A linear-time algorithm for broadcast domination in a tree
The broadcast domination problem is a variant of the classical minimum dominating set...
Approximating the smallest k-edge connected spanning subgraph by LP-rounding
The smallest k-ECSS problem is, given a graph along with an integer k , find a...
Simultaneous solution of Lagrangean dual problems interleaved with preprocessing for the weight constrained shortest path problem
Conventional Lagrangean preprocessing for the network Weight Constrained Shortest Path...
Searching symmetric networks with Utilitarian-Postman paths
We introduce the notion of a Utilitarian Postman (UP) path on a network Q as one which...
Approximation algorithms for channel allocation problems in broadcast networks
We study two packing problems that arise in the area of dissemination-based...
The bi-criteria doubly weighted center-median path problem on a tree
Given a tree network T with n nodes, let 𝒫 L be the subset of all discrete paths...
Variations of the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem
The prize-collecting Steiner tree problem is well known to be NP-hard. We consider...
Minimum multiple message broadcast graphs
Multiple message broadcasting is the process of multiple message dissemination in a...
Fixed tree games with multilocated players
This article introduces fixed tree games with multilocated players (FMP games), which...
Lower bounds for the relative greedy algorithm for approximating Steiner trees
The Steiner tree problem is to find a shortest subgraph that spans a given set of...
A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment
In this article we consider the SONET ring assignment problem (SRAP). The authors...
Distributed delay constrained multicast routing algorithm with efficient fault recovery
Existing distributed delay constrained multicast routing algorithms construct a...
The multiroute maximum flow problem revisited
We are given a directed network G = (V,A,u) with vertex set V , arc set A , a source...
An integer programming approach to routing in daisy networks
We are concerned with routing problems arising in special kinds of synchronous digital...
Exact methods based on node-routing formulations for undirected arc-routing problems
This article proposes a new transformation of undirected arc-routing problems into...
Upgrading arcs to minimize the maximum travel time in a network
In transportation and telecommunication systems, the performance of the underlying...
Approximation algorithms for some k-source shortest paths spanning tree problems
In this article, we investigate two spanning tree problems of graphs with k given...
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