Journal: Operations Research Letters

Found 1763 papers in total
A monotone approximation algorithm for scheduling with precedence constraints
We provide a monotone O(m 2/3 ) -approximation algorithm for scheduling related...
A reflected diffusion process in a regime-switching environment
This paper provides steady-state analysis of a reflected diffusion process governed by...
New formulations and valid inequalities for a bilevel pricing problem
Consider the problem of maximizing the toll revenue collected on a multi-commodity...
An algorithm for achieving proportional delay differentiation
We consider the implementation of the proportional delay differentiation model with...
Exploiting equalities in polynomial programming
We propose a novel approach for solving polynomial programs over compact domains with...
The inequality-satisfiability problem
We define a generalization of the satisfiability problem (SAT) where each...
On the Kth best base of a matroid
Given a weighted matroid M and a positive integer K , the K th best base of M problem...
A fixed point theorem for discontinuous functions
Any function from a non-empty polytope into itself that is locally gross direction...
A note on the delay distribution in generalized processor sharing
In this note a two-class generalized processor sharing system is considered. We...
Minimum Lk path partitioning – An illustration of the Monge property
We investigate the problem of cutting a given sequence of positive real numbers into p...
An inverse model for the most uniform problem
In this paper, we consider a kind of inverse model for the most uniform problem. This...
Efficiently packing unequal disks in a circle
Placing non-overlapping circles in a smallest container is a hard task. In this paper...
A note on the mixed-integer rounding (MIR) closure
In 1988, Nemhauser and Wolsey introduced the concept of MIR inequality for mixed...
Lot-sizing on a tree
For the problem of lot-sizing on a tree with constant capacities, or stochastic...
Bounds on the size of branch-and-bound proofs for integer knapsacks
Using a direct counting argument, we derive lower and upper bounds for the number of...
The solution set structure of monotone linear complementarity problems over second-order cone
The second-order cone linear complementarity problem (SOCLCP) is a generalization of...
Identifying the optimal partition in convex quadratic programming
Given an optimal solution for a convex quadratic programming (QP) problem, the optimal...
Algorithms for the universal and a priori traveling salesman problem (TSP)
We present two simple results for generalizations of the traveling salesman problem...
Searching the k-change neighborhood for a traveling salesperson problem (TSP) is W[1]-hard
We show that searching the k -change neighborhood is W[1]-hard for metric TSP, which...
Increasing convex ordering of queue length in bulk queues
This paper considers single-server bulk queues M (X) / G (Y) /1 and G (X) / M (Y) /1....
A new renewal approximation for certain autocorrelated processes
We propose a new renewal approximation for autocorrelated streams with limiting index...
Solving operational statistics via a Bayesian analysis
For the newsvendor problem with ambiguous demand, it is known that integrating...
Asymptotic behavior of the stationary distribution in a finite quasi-birth-and-death (QBD) process with zero mean drift
We consider a finite QBD process with m levels. Assuming that the mean drift is 0, we...
A risk-averse newsvendor with law invariant coherent measures of risk
For general law invariant coherent measures of risk, we derive an equivalent...
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