Journal: Operations Research

Found 2096 papers in total
When is the classroom assignment problem hard?
The classroom assignment (or hotel room or interval scheduling) problem is to assign...
On the optimal stochastic scheduling of out-forests
This paper presents new results on the problem of scheduling jobs on K≥1 parallel...
Fixed job scheduling with two types of processors
The authors consider a scheduling problem that involves two types of processors, but...
Approximation algorithms for fixed job schedule problems
The authors consider two generalizations of the fixed job schedule problem, obtained...
On a ‘no arrivals’ heuristic for single machine stochastic scheduling
In many contexts in which resource allocation takes place in a stochastic environment,...
Socially and individually optimal routing of stochastic jobs in parallel processor systems
This paper considers a stochastic system where a fixed number of nonpreemptive jobs...
Single machine scheduling problem when the machine capacity varies stochastically
The authors consider single machine scheduling problems when the machine capacity...
The SML language for structured modeling: Levels 1 and 2
This is the first of two articles on the principal features of SML, a language for...
The SML language for structured modeling: Levels 3 and 4
This is the second of two articles on the principal features of SML, a language for...
A new optimization algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is a generalization of the...
Design and implementation of an interactive optimization system for telephone network planning
The authors describe an interactive optimization system for multiperiod exhaust relief...
Design and management of curtailable electricity service to reduce annual peaks
Curtailable electricity service is a voluntary option in which customers receive...
The structure of structured bond portfolio models
Over the past decade, optimization models have been widely used to help select bond...
Habitat dispersion in forest planning and the stable set problem
The authors present a model for forest planning with habitat dispersion constraints....
Bounds on a trauma outcome function via optimization
One measure of the effectiveness of institutional trauma and burn management based on...
Optimal dispatch of interruptible and curtailable service options
Service options for the electric utility industry are increasingly including...
An airline seat management model for a single leg route when lower fare classes book first
It is common practice for airlines to charge several different fares for a common pool...
A fuel management model for the airline industry
This model finds a minimum cost fuel tankering policy for an airline flight schedule...
Technology, human interaction, and complexity: Reflections on vehicular traffic science
This paper is based on the second Philip McCord Morse Lecture given May 14, 1991, at...
A bi-reference procedure for interactive multiple criteria programming
The paper presents an interactive procedure to search the set of nondominated outcomes...
A multistage linear array assignment problem
Implementation of certain algorithms on parallel computing architectures may involve...
Ford Whitman Harris and the economic order quantity model
Ford Whitman Harris first presented the familiar economic order quantity (EOQ) model...
Scheduling interviews for a job fair
The authors describe the design and use of a program to schedule interviews for law...
A unified family of single-server queueing location models
In this paper, the authors introduce a general class of single-server network location...
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