Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation

Found 679 papers in total
A new characterization of the non-symmetric Nash solution
A one-step stochastic bargaining procedure is examined which is based on assuming...
An approximate algorithm for nonlinear integer programming
This paper presents an approximate algorithm, which is modified from the Filled...
Projection and contraction methods for semidefinite programming
Recently, He presented some iterative projection and contraction (PC) methods for...
Artificial neural networks model of share analysis specialist system
In this article, according to the specific characteristics and patterns of share...
Nonlinear and dynamic programming for epidemic intervention
This paper studies an optimal control problem for a discrete-time, deterministic...
Bi-objective dynamic programming for trading off hydropower and irrigation
Reservoir management is examined from the bicriterion viewpoints of hydropower...
Fuzzy evidential filter for detection and tracking of dim objects
This paper discusses new analytical and computational aspects of detecting and...
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