Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
A GRASP for the biquadratic assignment problem
The biquadratic assignment problem (BiQAP) is a generalization of the quadratic...
On characterizing tighter formulations for 0–1 programs
We present two approaches for 0–1 program model tightening. They are based on...
Some exact algorithms for the knapsack sharing problem
The knapsack sharing problem (KSP) is formulated as an extension to the ordinary...
Solving zero–one mixed integer programming problems using tabu search
We describe a tabu search (TS) approach for solving general zero–one mixed...
Balancing U-lines in a multiple U-line facility
U-shaped production lines and facilities consisting of many such lines are important...
An adaptive tabu search approach to JIT sequencing with variable processing times and sequence-dependent setups
This paper addresses a single machine sequencing problem with variable processing...
Reacting in real-time to production contingencies in a capacitated flexible cell
We present a PC-based procedure for the real-time revision of production and inventory...
Manufacturing planning and control: The evolution of MRP and JIT integration
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Just-in-Time (JIT) system are directed toward...
Newton's method for linear inequality systems
We describe a modified Newton type algorithm for the solution of linear inequality...
The role of the augmented system in interior point methods
We present a way to use the augmented system approach in interior point methods. We...
Simplifying a special class of mathematical programs arising in design problems
We consider a special class of mathematical programs that are encountered in certain...
Fuzzy resolution on the infeasibility of variational inequality
In this study, we discuss variational inequality problems when there is no solution....
Duality in multiobjective nonlinear programming involving semilocally convex and related functions
Necessary optimality conditions are established for a multiobjective nonlinear...
Analysis of expected queueing delays for decision making in production planning
Concepts such as Time Based Competition and criticism of traditional cost accounting's...
An experimental evaluation of the efficacy of four multi-objective linear programming algorithms
Four multi-objective linear programming algorithms are implemented on microcomputer...
On computing objective function values in multiple objective quadratic–linear programming
In this paper, we will consider the computation of objective function values when a...
A branch and bound algorithm for mixed zero–one multiple objective linear programming
In this paper, a branch and bound algorithm for the generation of the efficient set in...
An interactive fuzzy satisficing method for multiobjective 0–1 programming problems with fuzzy numbers through genetic algorithms with double strings
In this paper, by considering the experts’ vague or fuzzy understanding of the...
An interactive fuzzy satisficing method for structured multiobjective linear fractional programs with fuzzy numbers
In this paper, by considering the experts' vague or fuzzy understanding of the nature...
An interactive fuzzy satisficing method for large scale multiobjective 0–1 programming problems with fuzzy parameters through genetic algorithms
In this paper, by considering the experts’ imprecise or fuzzy understanding of...
Reference direction interactive method for solving multiobjective fuzzy programming problems
A reference direction interactive method is proposed in this paper for solving...
A lexicographic approach to bi-objective loading of a flexible assembly system
The paper presents a bi-objective integer program and an approximate lexicographic...
On a variant of lexicographic multi-objective programming
For a compact subset Y of R m , and for i = 1, ..., n , let f i be a continuous...
Multiobjective symmetric duality with cone constraints
We formulate a pair of multiobjective symmetric dual programs for pseudo-invex...
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