Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
Some new results on simulated annealing applied to the job shop scheduling problem
We present two results about heuristic solutions to the job shop scheduling problem...
Deterministic job-shop scheduling: Past, present and future
Due to the stubborn nature of the deterministic job-shop scheduling problem many...
A bicriteria approach to the two-machine flow shop scheduling problem
In this paper we address the problem of minimizing makespan and sum of completion...
Sequencing and due-date determination in the stochastic single machine problem with earliness and tardiness costs
This paper studies the problem of simultaneous due-date determination and sequencing...
Scheduling of design projects with uncertain number of iterations
A short product design cycle is critical to the success of companies in the era of...
Optimal fuzzy counterparts of scheduling rules
The optimality of a fuzzy logic alternative to the usual treatment of uncertainties in...
Balancing assembly lines effectively – a computational comparison
We report on results of a numerical experiment including the most effective branch and...
Exploiting process plan flexibility in production scheduling: A multi-objective approach
When solving a product/process design problem, we must exploit the available degrees...
Complexity of parallel machine scheduling with processing-plus-wait due dates to minimize maximum absolute lateness
We study the problem of scheduling n jobs on several parallel identical machines. An...
Bounds for the position of the smallest job in completion time variance minimization
The problem of scheduling jobs on a single machine so as to minimize the variance of...
Design of electronic assembly lines: An analytical framework and its application
The design of component assembly lines in Printed Circuit Board manufacturing...
Two-machine flowshop scheduling with availability constraints
The majority of the scheduling literature carries a common assumption that machines...
Robustness of capacity rationing policies
A recent paper discusses a capacity rationing policy that allows make-to-order...
Single-machine scheduling with learning considerations
The focus of this work is to analyze learning in single-machine scheduling problems....
Scheduling of resource tasks
In many applications e.g. from operations research, or areas like operating system, in...
Reserve design for species preservation
The problem of designing a natural area reserve for the preservation of species is...
A modeling approach to logistics in concurrent engineering
This paper advocates logistics involvement in the early phases of product design and...
Travel time analysis for general item location assignment in a rectangular warehouse
A travel time model with general item location assignment in a rectangular warehouse...
Optimum component test plans for systems with dependent components
An unrealistic and very restrictive assumption of component testing models in the...
An approximation for computing the throughput of closed assembly-type queueing networks
In this paper, we examine throughput (mean number of completed assemblies per unit...
An iterative improvement approach for the nonpreemptive open shop scheduling problem
This paper addresses the problem of scheduling nonpreemptive open shops with the...
Eliminating redundant columns in continuous tour scheduling problems
This paper presents a procedure for eliminating redundant columns in generalized...
Match-up scheduling under a machine breakdown
When a machine breakdown forces a modified flow shop (MFS) out of the prescribed...
A new approach for technical efficiency estimation in multiple output production
The nonparametric technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been used to...
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