Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
The infinite horizon non-stationary stochastic inventory problem: Near myopic policies and weak ergodicity
In this paper we consider a periodic review dynamic inventory problem with...
On a 2-dimensional equipartition problem
The present paper deals with the following problem, which arises in a variety of...
An improved BL-algorithm for genetic algorithm of the orthogonal packing of rectangles
This paper proposes an improved BL-algorithm for genetic algorithm of the orthogonal...
Weight distribution considerations in container loading
A major drawback of the current literature on container loading is the lack of...
Making the information systems outsourcing decision: A transaction cost approach to analyzing outsourcing decision problems
During the last several years outsourcing has emerged as a major issue in information...
The sensitivity analysis of binary networks via simulation
This paper presents efficient simulation methods for the sensitivity analysis of...
Financial credit-risk evaluation with neural and neurofuzzy systems
Credit-risk evaluation decisions are important for the financial institutions involved...
Comparing performance of feedforward neural nets and K-means for cluster-based market segmentation
We compare the performance of a specifically designed feedforward artificial neural...
Optimization of neural networks: A comparative analysis of the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing
The escalation of Neural Network research in Business has been brought about by the...
Modeling simultaneous worker learning and forgetting in dual resource constrained systems
This paper addresses issues related to modeling worker learning and forgetting effects...
Optimization models for quality and cost of modular software systems
This study presents two optimization models for selecting the best Commercial...
Simulation optimization with qualitative variables and structural model changes: A genetic algorithm approach
In many common simulation optimization methods the structure of the system stays the...
An algorithm of global optimization for solving layout problams
The two-dimensional layout problem is known to be NP-complete, and the current...
Optimizing dead mileage in urban bus routes through a nondominated solution approach
The problem of determining nondominated schedules to take buses from depots to the...
Evaluation of three production planning procedures for the use of recipe flexibility
Process industries often obtain their raw materials from mining or agricultural...
Optimization models for recovery block schemes
This paper presents optimization models for a fault tolerant software by selecting a...
Optimization modeling for estimating and enhancing relative efficiency with application to industrial companies
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a special optimization model used to assess and...
Using the generalized assignment problem in scheduling the ROSAT space telescope
ROSAT is a satellite borne X-ray observatory. Mission planning consists of scheduling...
A model for allocated versus actual costs in assignment and transportation problems
We present a simple mathematical model which will relate the actual cost spent in...
Bandwidth packing with queuing delay costs: Bounding and heuristic solution procedures
In this paper we propose a new formulation for the bandwidth packing problem (BWP) in...
Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation for generalized assignment problems
This work presents Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation to the problem of maximum profit...
An application of neurofuzzy modeling: The vehicle assignment problem
When assigning vehicles to transportation requests, dispatchers usually have built-in...
A combinatorial approach to the classification problem
We study the two-group classification problem which involves classifying an...
The bilevel linear/linear fractional programming problem
Bilevel programming involves two optimization problems where the constraint region of...
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