Journal: Water Science and Technology

Found 59 papers in total
Activated sludge wastewater treatment plants optimisation to face pollution overloads during grape harvest periods
The principal objective of our study was to optimise a municipal activated sludge...
Kinetic parameters estimation in an anaerobic digestion process using successive quadratic programming
In this work, an optimization method is implemented in an anaerobic digestion model to...
Automatic calibration of urban drainage model using a novel multi-objective genetic algorithm
In order to successfully calibrate an urban drainage model, multiple calibration...
Applications of artificial neural networks in integrated water management: fiction or future?
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is nowadays recognized as a very promising tool for...
Multiobjective water resources systems analysis using genetic algorithms – application to Chou-Shui River Basin, Taiwan
Multipurpose operation is adopted by most reservoirs in Taiwan in order to maximize...
A multiobjective model for non-point source pollution control for an off-stream reservoir catchment
Phosphorus loads from agricultural non-point source pollution (NPSP) significantly...
Waste load allocation for water quality management of a heavily polluted river using linear programming
A waste load allocation model using linear programming has been developed for economic...
Investigation of sludge re-circulating clarifiers design and optimization through numerical simulation
In steam thermal power plants (TPP) with open re-circulating wet cooling towers,...
Textile wastewater treatment and reuse by solar catalysis: results from a pilot plant in Tunisia
Based on the results from bench-scale flow-film-reactors (FFR) and aerated cascade...
On-line monitoring equipment for wastewater treatment processes: state of the art
A (non-exhaustive) survey of new and existing technologies for the monitoring of...
Bayesian approach for the calibration of models: application to an urban stormwater pollution model
In environmental modelling, estimating the confidence level in conceptual model...
Optimization of the treatment of piggery wastes in water hyacinth ponds
This work investigates the optimal management of water hyacinth ponds for the...
Optimization of nitrogen removal from piggery waste by nitrite nitrification
The piggery waste characteristics greatly vary with types of manure collections and...
Effect of chemical treatment on soluble residual chemical oxygen demand in textile wastewaters
The effect of chemical treatment on the magnitude of soluble residual COD in the...
Ozonation application in activated sludge systems for a textile mill effluent
The study investigates the effect of partial ozonation of textile wastewater, both at...
Treatment of winery wastewater in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor
Pilot-scale experiments were carried out applying the SBBR process (Sequencing Batch...
Project CARE: Reducing wet weather overflows to improve beach water quality
The people who live in North Shore City (New Zealand) consider the beaches as their...
Prediction of the dewatering of selected inorganic sludges
There are a number of laboratory techniques traditionally used in the characterisation...
Chemical and physical pretreatment of ATAD biosolids for dewatering
This paper reports on two modifications to the typical practice of polymer...
Evaluation of phosphorus retention in a South Florida treatment wetland
The Everglades Construction Project of the South Florida Water Management District...
The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project test cells: STA optimization status of the research at the north site
The Everglades is an oligotrophic ecosystem that is being adversely impacted by...
Increasing wastewater system performance – the importance of interactions between sewerage and wastewater treatment
The necessity to assess sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as...
Criteria for assessment of the operational potential of the urban wastewater system
Application of real-time control (RTC) is one possible measure to increase the...
Control of nitrate recirculation flow in predenitrification systems
The control of the nitrate recirculation flow in a predenitrification system is...
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