Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering

Found 1095 papers in total
A construction and improvement heuristic for a liquefied natural gas inventory routing problem
We present a large scale ship routing and inventory management problem for a producer...
The quadratic programming problem with fuzzy relation inequality constraints
The quadratic programming has been widely applied to solve real world problems. The...
An optimal procedure for minimizing total weighted resource tardiness penalty costs in the resource‐constrained project scheduling problem
We present an optimal solution procedure for minimizing total weighted resource...
Single‐machine scheduling problems simultaneously with deterioration and learning effects under deteriorating multi‐maintenance activities consideration
Maintenance is important to manufacturing process as it helps improve the efficiency...
Exact and heuristic algorithms for the aerial refueling parallel machine scheduling problem with due date‐to‐deadline window and ready times
The Aerial Refueling Scheduling Problem (ARSP) can be defined as determining the...
Slotting methodology using correlated improvement for a zone‐based carton picking distribution system
This study presents slotting methodologies for a zone‐based carton picking...
Multi‐server machine repair model with standbys and synchronous multiple vacation
This paper investigates a machine repair problem with homogeneous machines and...
Facility location dynamics: An overview of classifications and applications
In order to modify the current facility or develop a new facility, the dynamics of...
Vehicle routing problem with uncertain demands: An advanced particle swarm algorithm
The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has been thoroughly studied in the last decades....
Single sourcing versus dual sourcing under conditions of learning
This paper considers a buyer who has to decide whether to select a single or two...
Supply chain redesign for resilience using simulation
Supply chains are facing numerous changes that are contributing to increasing their...
An integrated synthetic value of fuzzy judgments and nonlinear programming methodology for ranking the facility layout patterns
In this paper, the goal is to incorporate qualitative criteria in addition to...
Optimal pricing, lot‐sizing and marketing planning in a capacitated and imperfect production system
In the classical economic production quantity (EPQ) problem demand is considered to be...
Capacity investment decision in co‐opetitive network by information sharing
The proposed research concerns the capacity investment decisions in a...
Minimax and maximin formulations of cross‐efficiency in DEA
In the conventional cross‐efficiency formulation, the efficiency score of a DMU...
An adaptive Shiryaev‐Roberts procedure for monitoring dispersion
In this paper, the Shiryaev‐Roberts (SR) procedure is examined and compared...
A sum of squares double exponentially weighted moving average chart
The sum of squares double exponentially weighted moving average (SS‐DEWMA)...
Seat inventory control for sequential multiple flights with customer choice behavior
This paper considers a seat inventory control problem in which flights depart...
Population‐based neighborhood search for job shop scheduling with interval processing time
This paper applies interval number theory to production scheduling for its advantage...
Disc cutters plane layout design of the full‐face rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) based on different layout patterns
The quality of plane layout design of the disc cutters for the full‐face rock...
A discrete‐time on–off source queueing system with negative customers
This paper studies a discrete‐time single‐server...
Minimizing weighted waiting time variance on a single processor
This paper considers the problem of scheduling n non‐preemptive jobs on a...
Normalizing variables with too‐frequent values using a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test: A practical approach
Many quantitative applications in business operations, environmental engineering, and...
An integrated model based on statistical process control and maintenance
The close relationship between quality and maintenance of manufacturing systems has...
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