Journal: System Dynamics Review

Found 113 papers in total
Intuitive understanding of steady-state and transient behaviors
A growing literature demonstrates how most people misperceive structure and behavior...
Estimating the parameters of system dynamics models using indirect inference
There is limited methodological guidance for estimating system dynamics (SD) models...
Unpacking mental models through laboratory experiments
This article summarizes the findings from three laboratory studies investigating the...
Structural dominance analysis of large and stochastic models
The last decade and a half has seen significant efforts to develop and automate...
Understanding decision making about balancing two stocks: the faculty gender balancing task
This paper contributes to the understanding of dynamic decision making by exploring...
A competence development framework for learning and teaching system dynamics
Current teaching and learning of system dynamics are based on materials derived from...
On generating and exploring the behavior space of complex models
This paper introduces a novel approach for (i) exploring the spectrum of behaviors...
Cows, agency, and the significance of operational thinking
The reverence for data as the source of knowledge seems to be the rule in academic...
The potential of learning from erroneous models: comparing three types of model instruction
Learning from computer models is a promising approach to learning. This study...
Effects of systemic complexity factors on task difficulty in a stock management game
In an experimental research involving stock management, we test the effects of three...
Mathematical knowledge is related to understanding stocks and flows: results from two nations
Stocks and flows (SF) are essential to every‐day judgments: debt changes with...
Connecting strategy and system dynamics: an example and lessons learned
This article is based on my talk at the 2015 International System Dynamics Conference...
Does analytical thinking improve understanding of accumulation?
People have difficulties inferring the behavior of a stock variable from its inflows...
Exploring retailers' ordering decisions under delays
When final customer demand exceeds available supply, retailers often hedge against...
Evaluating group model building exercises: a method for comparing externalized mental models and group models
We introduce a systematic method to compare externalized mental models with a group...
Towards the algorithmic detection of archetypal structures in system dynamics
Traditionally, model analysis follows qualitative, heuristic, and...
Radicalization under deep uncertainty: a multi-model exploration of activism, extremism, and terrorism
Many security-related phenomena are both dynamically complex and deeply uncertain. The...
Interactive web-based simulations for strategy and sustainability: The MIT Sloan LearningEdge management flight simulators, Part I
The MIT Sloan School of Management has created a set of interactive, web-based...
Public and health professionals’ misconceptions about the dynamics of body weight gain/loss
Human body energy storage operates as a stock-and-flow system with inflow (food...
Model behaviour and the concept of loop impact: A practical method
Quantifying the strengths of feedback loops can bring insight into the way the...
Managerial influence on the diffusion of innovations within intra-organizational networks
This study analyzes the dynamics of intra‐organizational innovation...
Do markets mitigate misperceptions of feedback?
Experimental studies of dynamic decision making generally show poor performance. Most,...
Interactive web-based simulations for strategy and sustainability: The MIT Sloan LearningEdge management flight simulators, Part II
The MIT Sloan School of Management has created a set of interactive, web-based...
Sensitivity analysis of graphical functions
Despite high degrees of uncertainty associated with graphical functions, sensitivity...
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