Journal: Forest Ecology and Management

Found 21 papers in total
Estimating forest data for analyses of forest production and utilization possibilities at local level by means of multi‐source National Forest Inventory
The sample plot data of National Forest Inventories (NFI) are widely used in the...
Validation of the Rotstand model for simulating Heterobasidion annosum root rot in Picea abies stands
Rotstand is a computer model that can simulate the development of a forest stand...
Using Monte Carlo simulations to estimate relative fire ignition danger in a low‐to‐medium fire‐prone region
A comprehensive assessment of fire ignition danger is nowadays a basic step towards...
Modeling nitrogen uptake for hybrid poplar with and without weed competition
Quantitative understanding of nutrient uptake by competing plants with different root...
Modelling Spanish black pine seedling emergence: Establishing management strategies for endangered forest areas
Changes in climate may reduce the success of natural regeneration and hence require...
Quantifying fine fuel dynamics and structure in dry eucalypt forest (Eucalyptus marginata) in Western Australia for fire management
Techniques for rapid visual assessment of fuel characteristics have a broad range of...
Combining empirical models and the process‐based model 3‐PG to predict Eucalyptus nitens plantations growth in Spain
Empirical, statistically based models were used to describe the growth and development...
Goal Programming: realistic targets for the near future
Goal Programming (GP) can be regarded as one of the most widely used multicriteria...
Quantifying uncertainty using robustness analysis in the application of ORESTE to sewer rehabilitation projects prioritization – Brussels case study
Sewer systems are considered extremely important components of the urban water...
Evaluation of conservation interventions using a cellular automata‐Markov model
The field of biodiversity conservation increasingly recognizes the need for empirical...
Double sampling for stratification in periodic inventories–Infinite population approach
Double sampling for stratification is a sampling design that is widely used for forest...
Quantifying distance‐independent tree competition for predicting Norway spruce mortality in unmanaged forests
The competition environments of trees in pristine forests and managed...
Managing understory light conditions in boreal mixedwoods through variation in the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest: A modelling approach
In the context of partial harvesting, adequately managing post‐harvest light...
Evaluation of forest growth simulators with NFI permanent sample plot data from Finland
Tree-level and stand-level forest growth simulators and their combination were...
Forest planning using co-evolutionary cellular automata
The spatial distribution of forest management activities has become increasingly...
The use of heuristic optimization in risk management of wind damage in forest planning
In this work heuristic techniques were used with a forest growth model (SIMA),...
A quantitative approach to cork oak forest management
Mathematical programming is one quantitative technique that can be used for strategic...
Integrated forest products from former sugarcane plantations in Hawaii
To help landowners and land-use planners evaluate potential forest product ventures on...
A multiattribute preference model for evaluating the reforestation chain alternatives of a forest stand
This paper presents a method, based on multi-attribute utility theory, for choosing...
Integrating biodiversity into forest management planning and decision-making
In this paper, an approach is presented for incorporating biological diversity into...
An approach to public-participation in strategic forest management planning
An application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is presented for taking public...
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