Journal: International Journal of Game Theory

Found 538 papers in total
An alternative characterization of the deferred acceptance algorithm
Kojima and Manea (2010) present two characterizations of when an allocation rule...
Strategic cooperation in cost sharing games
We examine strategic cost sharing games with so‐called arbitrary sharing based...
Common learning with intertemporal dependence
Consider two agents who learn the value of an unknown parameter by observing a...
Trimmed equilibrium
Subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) imposes stronger rationality conditions than...
Coalitional unanimity versus strategy‐proofness in coalition formation problems
This paper examines coalition formation problems from the viewpoint of mechanism...
Weak group strategy‐proof and queue‐efficient mechanisms for the queueing problem with multiple machines
We first provide the complete characterization of mechanisms that satisfy weak group...
The equivalence of linear programs and zero‐sum games
In 1951, Dantzig showed the equivalence of linear programming problems and...
Co‐evolutionary dynamics and Bayesian interaction games
Recently there has been a growing interest in evolutionary models of play with...
On the existence and uniqueness of pairwise stable networks
In this paper we show how externalities between links affect the existence and...
Cooperative Markov decision processes: time consistency, greedy players satisfaction, and cooperation maintenance
We deal with multi‐agent Markov decision processes (MDPs) in which cooperation...
Disagreement and evidence production in strategic information transmission
We expand Crawford and Sobel’s (1982) model of information transmission to allow...
Delayed perfect monitoring in repeated games
Delayed perfect monitoring in an infinitely repeated discounted game is studied. A...
On the feasible payoff set of two‐player repeated games with unequal discounting
We provide a novel characterization of the feasible payoff set of a general...
‘Procedural’ values for cooperative games
This paper introduces a new notion of a ‘procedural’ value for cooperative...
WPO, COV and IIA bargaining solutions for non‐convex bargaining problems
We characterize all n ‐person multi‐valued bargaining solutions, defined...
Continuity of the value and optimal strategies when common priors change
We show that the value of a zero‐sum Bayesian game is a Lipschitz continuous...
Nonsymmetric variants of the prekernel and the prenucleolus
A solution on a class of TU games that satisfies the axioms of the...
Group strategy‐proof social choice functions with binary ranges and arbitrary domains: characterization results
We define different concepts of group strategy‐proofness for social choice...
Axiomatizing core extensions
We give an axiomatization of the aspiration core on the domain of all TU‐games...
Merging and splitting in cooperative games: some (im)possibility results
Allocation rules for cooperative games can be manipulated by coalitions merging into...
Stability and index of the meet game on a lattice
We study the stability and the stability index of the meet game form defined on a meet...
Strategic analysis of influence peddling
This paper analyzes ‘influence peddling’ in a model that portrays...
Aggregate monotonic stable single‐valued solutions for cooperative games
This article considers single‐valued solutions of transferable utility...
Equilibrium and revenue in a family of common‐value first‐price auctions with differential information
We study a discrete common‐value auction environment with two asymmetrically...
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