Journal: SIAM Math Rev

Found 11 papers in total
Convergence rates for Markov chains
This is an expository paper that presents various ideas related to nonasymptotic rates...
A study of indicators for identifying zero variables in interior-point methods
This study is concerned with constrained optimization problems where the only...
An extension of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessity conditions to infinite programming
Under mild assumptions, the classical Karush-Kuhn-Tucker approach to Lagrange...
The warranty problem: Its statistical and game theoretic aspects
Manufacturers of consumer products, such as automobiles, usually offer warranties...
Heavy traffic analysis of a data transmission system with many independent sources
A data transmission system is considered with N independent sources and a single...
Semi-infinite programming: Theory, methods, and applications
Starting from a number of motivating and abundant applications in ℝ2, including...
Analysing multiprogramming queues by generating functions
The generating function approach for analysing queueing systems has a long-standing...
Conditional sojourn time moments in the finite capacity GI/M/1 queue with processor-sharing service
This paper considers a processor-sharing GI/M/1 queue that can hold at most K...
A new triangulation for simplicial algorithms
Triangulations are used in simplicial algorithms to find the fixed points of...
Exponential limiting distributions in queueing systems with deadlines
This paper contains some general theorems on the limiting distribution of a certain...
Iterative methods by space decomposition and subspace correction
The main purpose of this paper is to give a systematic introduction to a number of...
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