Journal: Recherche Oprationnelle/Operations Research

Found 8 papers in total
Achievable potential reductions in the method of Kojima et al. in the case of linear programming
Kojima et al proposed a primal-dual interior point method, based on potential...
Inverse barrier methods for linear programming
In the recent interior point methods for linear programming much attention has been...
A relation between the approximated versions of minimum set covering, minimum vertex covering and maximum independent set
Let be a universal constant denoting the approximation ratio of a hypothetical...
Medium-term production planning of shots for a low earth orbit satellite based on independent sets
This paper deals with the combinatorial problem of medium-term production planning of...
An optimal parallel algorithm for solving a triangular linear system
This paper presents an optimal parallel algorithm for 2-steps graph with constant...
A decomposition scheme for  matrices: Application to the resolution of linear integer programs
Recognizing a network matrix is known to define a polynomial problem. From a new...
Maximal association for the sum of squares of a contingency table
This paper shows how to approximate, in the quickest and the most realistic possible...
Optimal gridpositioning or single facility location on the torus
A finite set of points in the plane must be approximated by gridpoints of an...
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