Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Found 533 papers in total
Cyclic graphs
A subclass of the class of circulant graphs is considered. It is shown that in this...
On the strong chromatic index of cyclic multigraphs
We study the strong chromatic index of multigraphs whose underlying graph is a cycle....
Independent sets with domination constraints
A ρ-independent set S in a graph is parameterized by a set ρ of non-negative...
Reducible configurations for the cycle double cover conjecture
A CDC (cycle double cover) of a graph G is a system ( C 1 ,...,C k ) of cycles in G...
Connected domination and dominating clique in trapezoid graphs
The class of trapezoid graphs is a subclass of cocomparability graphs and contains...
Domination and total domination on asteroidal triple-free graphs
We present the first polynomial time algorithms for solving the NP-complete graph...
Covering a rectangle with six and seven circles
In a recent article Heppes and Melissen have determined the thinnest coverings of a...
N-extendible posets, and how to minimize total weighted completion time
P 4 -extendible graphs have been introduced by Jamison and Olariu as one of several...
Recognizing k-path graphs
The k -path graph P k ( H ) of a graph H has all length- k paths of H as vertices; two...
Uncolorable mixed hypergraphs
A mixed hypergraph H = ( X ,A,E ) consists of the vertex set X and two families of...
Pancyclic out-arcs of a vertex in tournaments
Thomassen proved that every strong tournament contains a vertex x such that each arc...
Subtrees of bipartite digraphs the minimum degree condition
Let D be a bipartite digraph and let T be an oriented tree of order k . We consider...
How to survive while visiting a graph
A visit of a graph is a permutation of its vertices which establishes the order in...
Recognition and isomorphism of tree-like P4-connected graphs
A graph is P 4 -connected if, for every partition of its vertices into two nonempty...
Not every 2-tough graph is Hamiltonian
We present (9/4–•)-tough graphs without a Hamilton path for arbitrary...
Chordality and 2-factors in tough graphs
A graph G is chordal if it contains no chordless cycle of length at least four and is...
Recognizing the P4-structure of block graphs
A 4-uniform hypergraph represents the P 4 -structure of a graph G , if its hyperedges...
A linear time algorithm for minimum fill-in and treewidth for distance hereditary graphs
A graph is distance hereditary if it preserves distances in all its connected induced...
Strongly orderable graphs: A common generalization of strongly chordal and chordal bipartite graphs
In this paper those graphs are studied for which a so-called strong ordering of the...
On the classification of NP-complete problems in terms of their correlation coefficient
Local search and its variants simulated annealing and tabu search are very popular...
On complexity, representation and approximation of integral multicommodity flows
The paper has two parts. In the algorithmic part integer inequality systems of packing...
The maximum travelling salesman problem on symmetric Demidenko matrices
It is well-known that the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is solvable in polynomial...
Tree partitioning under constraints – clustering for vehicle routing problems
We present a dynamic programming algorithm for the following problem: Given a tree T =...
Some extremal properties of the degree distance of a graph
This paper deals with two conjectures made by Dobrynin and Kochetova on the minimum...
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