Journal: Asia Pacific Journal Of Management

Found 46 papers in total
The genesis of fabless business model: Institutional entrepreneurs in an adaptive ecosystem
How does an institutionally‐contested business model originate, survive, and...
The sociality of resources: Understanding organizational competitive advantage from a social perspective
This study investigates the influence of social structures on the meaning and value of...
It’s more complicated than we think: The implications of social capital on innovation
Researchers often focus on the positive implications of social capital, not...
One definition, different manifestations: Investigating ethical leadership in the Chinese context
Although ethical leadership positively relates to a variety of favorable work outcomes...
Military top executives and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from China
This study, conducted in the context of China, investigates how the military...
Venture capital reputation and portfolio firm performance in an emerging economy: The moderating effect of institutions
This paper addresses the effects of venture capitalist (VC) reputation on the...
Why do high-performance human resource practices matter for team creativity? The mediating role of collective efficacy and knowledge sharing
Drawing on the ability‐motivation‐opportunity framework, we develop a...
Whipping into shape: Construct definition, measurement, and validation of directive-achieving leadership in Chinese culture
Based on Confucian thought, this research theorizes a new form of hierarchical...
Making impact through industry-focused research: An Asia Pacific perspective
This Perspectives paper draws attention to what I would call...
Rethinking the government as innovator: Evidence from Asian firms
Can government ownership of a firm spur innovation? While a robust body of empirical...
Ownership identity, strategy and performance: Business group affiliates versus independent firms in India
We consider whether the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance...
Are large business groups conducive to industry innovation? The moderating role of technological appropriability
This paper examines the impact of the share of business groups in an industry on the...
Business group heterogeneity and the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from Indian business groups
Business groups, the dominant organizational form in many Asian markets, have expanded...
Institutional relatedness behind product diversification and international diversification
Previous diversification research has largely focused on product relatedness, but...
Responding to emotions in China: Gender differences and the emotion-job outcome relationship
The role of emotion in the workplace has received increasing research attention in the...
When it rains, it pours: A triple-pathway model of collective turnover based on causal mapping analysis
As modern organizations become increasingly knowledge intensive, collective turnover,...
Supporting new product commercialization through managerial social ties and market knowledge development in an emerging economy
While it has been advocated that the generation and application of market knowledge...
Financial reporting quality and investment decisions for family firms
This study investigates the association between investment decisions and financial...
Location decisions of inward FDI in sub-national regions of a host country: Service versus manufacturing industries
Built on the differences between services and manufacturing sectors, this study...
Experienced high performance work system, extroversion personality, and creativity performance
High performance work system refers to a set of coherent human resource management...
Self-managers: Social contexts, personal traits, and organizational commitment
This study adopts self‐determination theory to examine a path model that...
Slack and the performance of state-owned enterprises
Organizational slack has been recognized as critical to firm performance, although its...
Reverse knowledge diffusion: Competitive dynamics and the knowledge seeking behavior of Korean high-tech firms
This paper endeavors to enrich the existing knowledge acquisition literatures by...
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