Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Unification of basic and composite nondifferentiable optimization
There are two main classes of iterative methods in nondifferentiable optimization...
On a two-stage hierarchical production planning system for process industries
The objective of this paper is to propose a relevant production planning procedure for...
A descent method with linear programming subproblems for nondifferentiable convex optimization
Most of the descent methods developed so far suffer from the computational burden due...
An interior-proximal method for convex linearly constrained problems and its extension to variational inequalities
In this paper, an entropy-like proximal method for the minimization of a convex...
A model comparison for optimal Mars ascent trajectories
Maximum payload Mars launch trajectories are computed for a nominal two-state Mars...
A Gauss-Newton method for convex composite optimization
An extension of the Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear equations to convex composite...
Discrete time parallel-machine scheduling: A case of ship scheduling
Parallel-machine scheduling concerns scheduling a number of jobs on more than one...
IPWM: An interval parameter water quality management model
This paper provides an interval parameter water quality management (IPWM) model and...
An upper bound on the independence number of a graph computable in polynomial-time
The upper bound on the independence number of a undirected graph is presented. The...
A dual approximation approach to eighted matroid intersection
This paper presents a simple algorithm for finding a minimum weight common base of a...
A sublinear-time randomized approximation algorithm for matrix games
This paper presents a parallel randomized algorithm which computes a pair of •-...
Weak stochastic ordering for multidimensional Markov chains
This paper studies weak stochastic ordering on multidimensional lattices. The main...
Stochastic scheduling on a single machine subject to multiple breakdowns according to different probabilities
A set of stochastic jobs is to be processed on a single machine which is subject to...
W[2]-hardness of Precedence Constrained K-Processor Scheduling
It is shown that the Precedence Constrained K- Processor Scheduling problem is hard...
An optimal algorithm for preemptive on-line scheduling
The authors investigate the problem of on-line scheduling jobs on m identical parallel...
A neural network approach to forecasting model selection
The literature has shown that no one model provides the most accurate forecasts. The...
A hybrid econometric-neural network modeling approach for sales forecasting
Business sales forecasting is an example of management decision making in an...
A parallel algorithm for constrained optimization problems
Starting from the idea introduced by Hestenes and Pardalos et al. in this paper the...
A new branch-and-bound model for optimal expansion planning of transmission network investments
This paper presents a new model and a solution methodology for optimal planning of...
A family of variable metric proximal methods
The authors consider conceptual optimization methods combining two ideas: the...
Canonical DC programming problem: Quter approximation methods revisited
For solving the canonical DC programming problem (i.e. a convex program with an...
Geometric programming with several discrete variables: Algorithms employing generalized Benders’ Decomposition
Geometric programming problems in which several of the variables are restricted to...
Stochastic on-line knapsack problems
Different classes of on-line algorithms are developed and analyzed for the solution of...
Computational experience with a difficult mixed-integer multicommodity flow problem
The following problem arises in the study of lightwave networks. Given a demand matrix...
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