Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Nonlinear mappings associated with the generalized linear complementarity problem
The paper shows that the Cottle-Dantzig generalized linear complementarity problem...
Possibilistic construction of fuzzy outranking relation for multiple-criteria ranking
A multiple-criteria method for ranking actions with uncertain evaluations is...
Implicit function theorems for generalized equations
The paper shows that Lipschitz and differentiability properties of a solution to a...
On the problem of possibilistic optimization
This paper is a continuation on the author’s investigation on possibilistic...
The curvature integral nad the complexity of linear complementarity problems
In this paper, the authors propose a predictor-corrector-type algorithm for solving...
A three-level optimization method for fuzzy large-scale multiobjective nonlinear programming problems
In general, mathematical models to reflect real-world complicated decision situations,...
Pseudopower expansion of solutions of generalized equations and constrained optimization problems
The authors show that the solution of a strongly regular generalized equation subject...
Neuro-fuzzy ID3: A method of inducing fuzzy decision trees with linear programming for maximizing entropy and an algebraic method for incremental learning
ID3 is a popular and efficient method of making a decision tree for classification...
On the equivalence of nonlinear complementarity problems and least-element problems
Strictly pseudomonotone Z -maps operating on Banach lattices are considered....
Forecasting enrollments based on fuzzy time series
This paper presents a new method to forecast university enrollments based on fuzzy...
Superfluous matrices in linear complementarity
Superfluous matrices were introduced by Howe in linear complementarity. In general,...
Solving multiobjective linear programming problems-A generic approach
The authors propose a fuzzy approach, which induces some methodologies as special...
The extended linear complementarity problem
In this paper the authors define the Extended Linear Complementarity Problem (ELCP),...
Stability in possibilistic quadratic programming
The authors show that possibilistic quadratic programs with crisp decision variables...
On the fuzzy multi-objective lienar programming problem: Goal programming approach
For a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming problem, the paper proposes a...
Prediction of time series by a structural learning of neural networks
There have been numerous methods for learning and predicting time series ranging from...
A Prolog-like inference system based on neural logic-An attempt towards fuzzy neural logic programming
Research under the name of Neural Logic Networks is an attempt to integrate...
A concept of the optimal solution of the transporation problem with fuzzy cost coefficients
In the paper a definition of the optimal solution of the transportation problem with...
The fuzzy set theory approach to the vehicle routing problem when demand at nodes is uncertain
The problem of vehicle routing when demand at the nodes is uncertain is considered....
On stability analysis of multicriteria LP problems with fuzzy parameters
In this paper the authors investigate the stability of solution in fuzzy...
Optimizing constrained subtrees of trees
Given a tree G=(V,E) and a weight function defined on subsets of its nodes, the...
Interactive-deepening fuzzy heuristic search algorithms and their learning investigation
This paper presents a fuzzy, heuristic search algorithm FIDA* that applies...
System failure engineering and fuzzy methodology an introductory overview
System failure engineering may encompass reliability, safety, security,...
A quadratically convergent -iteration algorithm for the -matrix linear complementarity problem
An interior-point predictor-corrector algorithm for the -matrix linear complementarity...
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