Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Controlled dual perturbations for central path trajectories in geometric programming
A dynamic perturbation algorithm is developed building on the work of Fang, Peterson...
An alternative explanation of disjunctive formulations
The purpose of this paper is to explain the property of Disjunctive Formulations for...
Tools for reformulating logical forms into zero-one mixed integer programs
A systematic procedure for transforming a set of logical statements or logical...
On the Dietrich-Escudero approach for solving the 0-1 knapsack problem with a 0-1 objective function
In this brief note the authors demonstrate that the Dietrich-Escudero procedure for...
A computational note on the Martello-Toth knapsack algorithm
Martello and Toth are well known for their work on the 0-1 kanpsack problem....
The growth of multi-constraint random knapsacks with various right-hand sides of the constraints
The asymptotic value of the m- constraint, n- variable, 0-1 random kanpsack problem...
Strong linear programming relaxations for the orienteering problem
Consider a set of nodes, each with an associated profit, and a set of arcs, each with...
Obtaining clique, cover and coefficient reduction inequalities as Chvatal-Gomory inequalities and Gomory fractional cuts
The authors show how clique and cover induced inequalities implied from 0-1 knapsack...
A multi-KP modeling for the maximum-clique problem
In this paper the problem of finding the maximum clique of an arbitrary graph G=(X,A)...
A global approach for general 0-1 fractional programming
Current methods of general 0-1 fractional programming (G-FP) can only find the local...
Submodular linear programs on forests
A general linear programming model for an order-theoretic analysis of both...
Extended formulations for the A-cut problem
Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph and A⊆V. The authors consider the problem of...
Gomory cuts revisited
The authors investigate the use of Gomory’s mixed integer cuts within a...
A mixed-integer model for solving ordering problems with side constraints
The authors present an exact approach for solving the Sequential Ordering Problem. In...
Aggregation and decomposition for multi-divisional linear programs
This paper proposes the use of linear programming aggregation theory to study...
On the efficient point set of tricriteria linear programs
The authors consider linear programs with three objective functions and investigate...
gLPS: A graphical tool for the definition and manipulation of linear problems
The use of suitable tools is one of the cornerstones of every aspect of human...
Syntax-directed report writing in linear programming using ANALYZE
The syntax of a linear program is its rules for composing activities and equations....
MOPS-Mathematical OPtimization System
This paper discusses a software system for solving large scale linear and...
Some results concerning post-infeasibility analysis
Linear constraints are used to model diverse phenomena. The number of constraints is...
Characterizing an optimal solution to the linear bilevel programming problem
This note presents a theorem which characterizes the geometry of an optimal solution...
Solution procedures for cutting limber into furniture parts
Knapsack algorithms are developed to determine the optimal cutting pattern of a parent...
Weights improvement in column aggregation
The present paper studies how the weights used in column aggregation of linear...
A multisplitting method for symmetric linear complementarity problems
Over the years, many methods for solving the linear complementarity problem (LCP) have...
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