Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Competitive memetic algorithms for arc routing problems
The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem or CARP arises in applications like waste...
A slope scaling/Lagrangean perturbation heuristic with long-term memory for multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design
This paper describes a slope scaling heuristic for solving the multicommodity...
Multistart tabu search strategies for the unconstrained binary quadratic optimization problem
This paper describes and experimentally compares five different multistart tabu search...
Comparisons and enhancement strategies for linearizing mixed 0–1 quadratic programs
We present a linearization strategy for mixed 0–1 quadratic programs that...
Decomposition techniques for the minimum toll revenue problem
The objective of the minimum toll revenue (MINREV) problem is to find tolls that...
Generalized insertion ants for the traveling salesman problem
In this paper, the probabilistic nearest neighbor heuristic, which is at the core of...
Multilevel refinement for combinatorial optimisation problems
We consider the multilevel paradigm and its potential to aid the solution of...
When the greedy algorithm fails
We provide a characterization of the cases when the greedy algorithm may produce the...
A new memetic algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem
This paper introduces a new memetic algorithm specialized for the asymmetric instances...
Enumerating maximal independent sets with applications to graph colouring
We give tight upper bounds on the number of maximal independent sets of size k (and at...
Lift-and-projrct ranks and antiblocker duality
We present a very short proof of the beautiful result of Aguilera et al . that the...
Worst-case behavior of the maximum vertex covering algorithm heuristic for the minimum labeling spanning tree problem
In this paper, we review recent work on the minimum labeling spanning tree problem and...
Optimal replenishment policy for product with season pattern demand
This paper investigates a deterministic inventory model in which demand follows a...
A scatter search method for the bi-criteria multi-dimensional {0,1}-knapsack problem using surrogate relaxation
This paper presents a scatter search (SS) based method for the bi-criteria...
Non-ergodicity criteria for denumerable continuous time Markov processes
We provide non-ergodicity criteria for denumerable continuous time Markov processes in...
Analysis of the decision to invest for constructing a nuclear power plant under regulation of electricity price
In this study, the effect of the regulation of electricity prices on the decision to...
A multiobjective hybrid metaheuristic approach for a geographic information system-based spatial zoning model
This paper presents a multiobjective hybrid metaheuristic approach for an intelligent...
Asymptotic analysis of stochastic block replacement policies for multicomponent systems in a Markov environment
An asymptotic analysis of stochastic block replacement policies for a multicomponent...
A total quality management approach to human resources performance evaluation criteria
In contrast to previous research on human resources performance evaluation in quality...
Optimal manufacturing batch size with rework process at a single-stage production system
Determining an optimal batch quantity in a production system that produces defective...
Product-driven supply chain selection using integrated multi-criteria decision-making methodology
Effective supply chain design calls for robust analytical models and design tools....
Mean flowtime and inventory in production systems: A finite time analogue to Little's Law
One of the most important results regarding flows in production systems is the...
Multi-product capacity-constrained lot sizing with economic objectives
The capacity-constrained lot-sizing problem with stochastic lot arrivals is especially...
Production smoothing in the Japanese vehicle industry
Physical data from the Japanese vehicle industry, covering monthly observations from...
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