Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Multi-criteria minimum cost spanning tree games
The minimum cost spanning tree game (mcst-game) is a well-known model within...
Fuzzy strategic replacement analysis
This paper presents a fuzzy methodology for replacement of equipment. Issues such as...
k-Sided permutation games and multiprices of equilibrium
Here we generalize the permutation games due to Tijs, Parthasarathy, Potters and...
Failure replacement and preventive maintenance spare parts ordering policy
This paper addresses inventory policy for spare parts, when demand for the spare parts...
Emerging multiple issue e-auctions
We review the emerging field of multiple issue e-auctions and discuss their design...
Designing a reverse logistics operation for short cycle time repair services
An important means for companies to differentiate themselves, as well as increase...
Set-valued total utility-games
The goal of this paper is to explore solution concepts for set-valued TU-games (total...
Operating system selection using fuzzy replacement analysis and analytic hierarchy process
This study aims at creating an Operating System (OS) selection framework for decision...
Selecting information systems personnel use fuzzy group decision support system based on metric distance method
In this paper we propose a new approach to rank fuzzy numbers by metric distance. For...
An algorithm for production planning in a flexible production system
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining the production rate, production...
Production scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system under random demand
This paper considers the problem of production scheduling in a Flexible Manufacturing...
Sensitivity analysis based method for optimal road network pricing
Road pricing is an important economic measure for optimal management of transportation...
Scheduling flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup times
This paper examines scheduling in flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup...
Just-in-time component replenishment decisions for assemble-to-order manufacturing under capital constraint and stochastic demand
While just-in-time ideas have been enthusiastically embraced by manufacturing...
Self-organising behaviour in the presence of negative externalities: A conceptual model of commuter choice
We use a model with local interaction (a one-dimensional cellular automaton) to study...
Managing cost overrun risk in project funding allocation
This paper discusses decision making of project funding allocation under uncertain...
A Markovian approach to determining optimum process target levels for a multi-stage serial production system
Consider a production system where products are produced continuously and screened for...
Learning curves for processes generating defects requiring reworks
The earliest learning curve representation is due to Wright, and is a geometric...
A hybrid analytic/rule-based approach to reservoir system management during flood
The article presents an approach to real-time operation of a water retention reservoir...
Economic design of two-stage &Xmacr; charts: The Markov chain approach
When the &Xmacr; chart is in use, samples are regularly taken from the process, and...
A multiperiod approach to the solution of groundwater management problems using an outer approximation method
In the past few years several groundwater management models have been presented,...
Tabu search algorithms for water network optimization
In this paper we propose a tabu search algorithm to find the least-cost design of...
Evaluating feature selection methods for learning in data mining applications
Recent advances in computing technology in terms of speed, cost, as well as access to...
A multi-dimensional fuzzy decision support strategy
Based on the theory of fuzzy pattern recognition and fuzzy optimization, this paper...
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