Lin Chin-Tsai

Chin-Tsai Lin

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Found 14 papers in total
Evaluating competitive advantage of the location for Taiwanese hospitals
This study identifies important optimal location attributes and factors influencing...
Stock selection using data envelopment analysis–discriminant analysis
Discriminant Analysis (DA) is a statistical method that can predict the category of a...
A study on the cutoff transaction size to the information value applying to the newsboy model
This investigation adopts the perspective of the retailer and incorporates information...
Hedging entry and exit decisions: optimizing location under exchange rate uncertainty
The Cobb–Douglas production function with Abel's model is extended herein, and...
Optimizing location among n-countries under exchange rate uncertainty: applying real options
This study considers the effects of one real exchange rate on strategies that govern...
An application of analytic hierarchy process and sensitivity analysis for selecting the best slicing machine
Wafer slicing is a complex manufacturing process, complicating efforts to monitor...
The cutoff transaction size of a quadratic concave holding and penalty cost functions to the information value applying to the newsboy model
This investigation adopts the perspective of the retailer and incorporates information...
Real options: Batch process and market entry/exit decisions under uncertainty
Under uncertainty of exchange rate, we extend the batch process production model of...
The choice of foreign production strategy and timing of decision among three countries under exchange rate uncertainty
This study considers the effects of two real exchange rates on strategies that govern...
A note on the newsboy model with a cutoff transaction size and Gauss holding and penalty cost functions
In recent papers, the inventory models were presented in which customers with an order...
Build to order and entry/exit strategies under exchange rate uncertainty
Under uncertainty of exchange rate, we extend the build to order production model of...
Centralized effect on expected costs in a multi-location newsboy problem
This is a single-period single-product inventory model with several individual sources...
On the effect of centralization on expected costs in a multi-location newsboy problem
This paper deals with a single-period, single-product inventory model with seval...
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