Cattrysse Dirk

Dirk Cattrysse

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Found 12 papers in total
Cross‐docking: State of the art
Cross‐docking is a logistics strategy in which freight is unloaded from inbound...
A generic class of first order node models for dynamic macroscopic simulation of traffic flows
Node models for macroscopic simulation have attracted relatively little attention in...
Organising patrol deployment against violent crimes
Violent crimes such as ram raids and armed robberies have a substantial impact on the...
Cost allocation in spare parts inventory pooling
In this paper we present the use of game theoretic models to analyse the cost...
Exploring variants of 2-opt and 3-opt for the general routing problem
The general routing problem (GRP) is the problem of finding a minimum length tour,...
Inventory pooling of repairable spare parts with non-zero lateral transshipment time and delayed lateral transshipments
In this paper, we develop an analytical model to estimate several performance measures...
District design for arc-routing applications
In this paper we address the problem of district design for the organisation of...
A guided local search heuristic for the capacitated arc routing problem
This paper presents a new local search algorithm for the capacitated arc routing...
Solving the generalised assignment problem using polyhedral results
The Generalised Assignment Problem (GAP) consists of finding a maximal profit...
The problem of efficient districting
Districting involves a partition of a large area into sub-areas (districts) in order...
A dual ascent and column generation heuristic for the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem with setup times
In this paper the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem (DLSP) with setup times is...
Set partitioning and column generation heuristics for capacitated lotsizing
This paper discusses set partitioning and column generation heuristics for the multi...
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