Adams Warren P.

Warren P. Adams

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Found 12 papers in total
Linear forms of nonlinear expressions: New insights on old ideas
We show how recent linearization methods for mixed 0–1 polynomial programs can...
A hierarchy of relaxations leading to the convex hull representation for general discrete optimization problems
We consider linear mixed-integer programs where a subset of the variables are...
A simple recipe for concise mixed 0–1 linearizations
A new linearization method for mixed 0–1 polynomial programs is obtained by...
Comparisons and enhancement strategies for linearizing mixed 0–1 quadratic programs
We present a linearization strategy for mixed 0–1 quadratic programs that...
On using exterior penalty approaches for solving linear programming problems
In this paper, we investigate three exterior penalty function approaches for solving...
Reduced first-level representations via the reformulation–linearization technique: Results, counterexamples, and computations
In this paper, we consider the reformulation–linearization technique (RLT) of...
Exploiting special structures in constructing a hierarchy of relaxations for 0–1 mixed integer problems
A new hierarchy of relaxations is presented that provides a unifying framework for...
A simultaneous lifting strategy for identifying new classes of facets for the Boolean quadric polytope
The authors develop a framework for characterizing classes of facets for the Boolean...
Some applications of nonnegative linear systems: Farkas strikes again
This paper presents a unifying perspective for analyzing certain systems of linear...
On the equivalence between roof duality and Lagrangean duality for unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming problems
In this paper the authors are concerned with techniques for computing upper bounds on...
Mixed-integer bilinear programming problems
This paper addresses a class of problems called mixed-integer bilinear programming...
Linearization strategies for a class of zero-one mixed integer programming problems
This paper is concerned with a new linearization strategy for a class of zero-one...
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