Alpern Steve

Steve Alpern

Information about the author Steve Alpern will soon be added to the site.
Found 22 papers in total
Who should cast the casting vote? Using sequential voting to amalgamate information
In this study, we are concerned with how agents can best amalgamate their private...
The Secretary Problem with a Selection Committee: Do Conformist Committees Hire Better Secretaries?
This paper analyzes a variation of the secretary problem in which two selectors with...
Patrolling a Border
Patrolling games were recently introduced to model the problem of protecting the nodes...
Optimal Trade-Off Between Speed and Acuity When Searching for a Small Object
A Searcher seeks to find a stationary Hider located at some point H (not necessarily a...
Accumulation games on graphs
Accumulation games on discrete locations were introduced by Ruckle and Kikuta. The...
A Proof of the Kikuta–Ruckle Conjecture on Cyclic Caching of Resources
Suppose that a hider possesses a continuously divisible resource that he may...
A New Approach to Gal’s Theory of Search Games on Weakly Eulerian Networks
A network is called weakly Eulerian if it consists of a finite number of disjoint...
Analysis and design of selection committees: a game theoretic secretary problem
Firms often delegate important decisions to committees which are set up specifically...
Hide-and-seek games on a tree to which Eulerian networks are attached
We analyze the hide-and-seek game ⌈( G ) on certain networks G . The hider picks...
Searching symmetric networks with Utilitarian-Postman paths
We introduce the notion of a Utilitarian Postman (UP) path on a network Q as one which...
A common notion of clockwise can help in planar rendezvous
Two players are lost in a grid of city streets and wish to meet as soon as possible....
Rendezvous on a planar lattice
We analyze the optimal behavior of two players who are lost on a planar surface and...
Searching for an agent who may or may not want to be found
There is an extensive theory regarding optimal continuous path search for a mobile or...
Rendezvous search: A personal perspective
The rendezvous-search problem was posed by the author 25 years ago. In its basic form,...
Rendezvous of three agents on the line
This paper considers a three-person rendezvous problem on the line which was...
Rendezvous search on labeled networks
Two players are independently placed on a commonly labelled network X . They cannot...
Pure strategy asymmetric rendezvous on the line with an unknown initial distance
Suppose two blind agents with unit speed are placed a distance H apart on an infinite...
The symmetric rendezvous-evasion game
E.J. Anderson and R.R. Weber considered the problem of two rendezvousers, R 1 , R 2 ,...
Rendezvous search on the line with limited resources: Maximizing the probability of meeting
Two players are placed on a line at a distance d which is drawn from a known...
Rendezvous search on the line with bounded resources: Expected time minimization
Two players are placed on the line and want to meet. Neither knows the direction of...
Geometric search theory and demand uncertainty
Recently D.J. Snower and the author have considered several models whereby a...
A search model of optimal pricing and production
This paper aims to capture the idea that the firm learns about its demand curve...
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