Lucas Thomas W.

Thomas W. Lucas

Information about the author Thomas W. Lucas will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
The effect of battle circumstances on fitting Lanchester equations to the Battle of Kursk
A dearth of high-quality, detailed battle data has hindered the many efforts to use...
State-of-the-art review – A user's guide to the brave new world of designing simulation experiments
Many simulation practitioners can get more from their analyses by using the...
Fitting Lanchester equations to the Battles of Kursk and Ardennes
Lanchester equations and their extensions are widely used to calculate attrition in...
When is model complexity too much? Illustrating the benefits of simple models with Hughes' salvo equations
The simulations that many defense analysts rely upon in their studies continue to grow...
Damage functions and estimates of fratricide and collateral damage
There are multiple damage functions in the literature to estimate the probability that...
The stochastic versus deterministic argument for combat simulations: Tales of when the average won't do
Analysts use combat models to provide information to decisionmakers who must make and...
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