Grover Varun

Varun Grover

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Found 15 papers in total
Taxing the development structure of open source communities: An information processing view
Committers in Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects shoulder...
Research Note–Do Large Firms Become Smaller by Using Information Technology?
The relationship between information technology (IT) and a key organizational design...
A model of consumers’ perceptions of the invasion of information privacy
We examined factors that influence an individual's attitude and decisions about the...
Interorganizational System Characteristics and Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Assessment*
Some firms have gained significant benefits by effectively deploying...
Building a Model of Technology Preference: The Case of Channel Choices
Intention theories, such as the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned...
Business Process Outsourcing: an event study on the nature of processes and firm valuation
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a phenomenon that is rapidly increasing in both...
The role of organizational and information technology antecedents in reengineering initiation behavior
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been a major catalyst of the pervasive...
The use of computer-mediated communication in an interorganizational context
The rapid growth of global telecommunication networks, and in particular the Internet,...
An empirical study on Web-based services and customer loyalty
E-business success is tied to the ability to foster customer loyalty. Businesses that...
The relationship between technology and performance: a meta-analysis of technology models
The effective deployment of technology within an organizational context is of integral...
Strategic manufacturing planning systems and their linkage to planning system success
Academics and practitioners alike are focusing more attention on manufacturing...
An application of expectancy theory for assessing user motivation to utilize an expert system
Evaluation of information system success has been the focus of much research. However,...
An examination of DBMS adoption and success in American organizations
Database technology has been available for over two and a half decades and yet...
Recognition the politics of MIS
MIS development and implementation is a highly political process where users and...
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