Chen H.

H. Chen

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Found 9 papers in total
Use of individual and group seasonal indices in subaggregate demand forecasting
An individual seasonal indices method and two group seasonal indices methods proposed...
Stability of multiclass queueing networks under first-in-first-out service discipline
In this paper, we first formally identify a first-in first-out (FIFO) fluid network...
Diffusion approximations for Kumar–Seidman network under a priority service discipline
Unlike for a single-class queueing network, diffusion approximations for a multiclass...
Fluid approximations for a processor-sharing queue
In this paper a fluid approximation, also known as a functional strong law of large...
Optimal control for a tandem network of queues with blocking
The authors consider a two-station tandem queue with no intermediate buffer. Jobs at...
Optimal control for a tandem network of queues with blocking
The authors consider a two-station tandem queue with no intermediate buffer. Jobs at...
Control and scheduling in a two-station queueing network: Optimal policies and heuristics
Consider a two-station queueing network with two types of jobs: type 1 jobs visit...
Diffusion approximations for open queueing networks with service interruptions
This paper establishes functional central limit theorems describing the heavy-traffic...
Optimal intensity control of a queueing system with state-dependent capacity limit
The paper studies a general single-stage queueing system, in which the input and...
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