Anderson Chris K.

Chris K. Anderson

Information about the author Chris K. Anderson will soon be added to the site.
Found 10 papers in total
An airline seat allocation game
We examine a seat allocation game between two airlines for flights with two fares with...
Demand management: Beyond revenue management
Traditional revenue or yield management is morphing into a more expansive activity:...
Predicting joint replacement waiting times
Currently, the median waiting time for total hip and knee replacement in Ontario is...
Online low-price guarantees – a real options analysis
A common practice among large retailers is the low-price guarantee, rebating consumers...
Optimal booking limits in the presence of strategic consumer behavior
We consider a two-period airline yield management problem where customers may act...
Competitive pricing with dynamic asymmetric price effects
We model the temporal pricing strategies for two firms with asymmetric costs and...
Performance Monitor
Revenue management has experienced tremendous growth since its inception in the...
Strategic operations research and the Edelman prize finalist applications 1989–1998
In an earlier study we examined the available evidence on the Edelman Prize finalist...
In search of strategic operations research/management science
We define strategic OR/MS as ‘OR/MS work that leads to a sustainable competitive...
Decision-makers’ perceptions of the value and impact of visual interactive modelling
This article reports results from surveying decision makers who had used a visual,...
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