Kapuscinski Roman

Roman Kapuscinski

Information about the author Roman Kapuscinski will soon be added to the site.
Found 15 papers in total
Production and Inventory Control for a Make-to-Stock/Calibrate-to-Order System with Dedicated and Shared Resources
Consider a firm that produces multiple products on dedicated production lines (stage...
Curtailing Intermittent Generation in Electrical Systems
Energy generation from intermittent renewable sources introduces additional...
New Product Diffusion Decisions Under Supply Constraints
Two recent papers on managing new product diffusion decisions under production...
Periodic flexibility, information sharing, and supply chain performance
A two-stage serial supply chain in which a retailer and his supplier are operating in...
Quick response and retailer effort
The benefits of supply chain innovations such as quick response (QR) have been...
Optimal Joint Inventory and Transshipment Control Under Uncertain Capacity
In this paper, we address the optimal joint control of inventory and transshipment for...
Timing successive product introductions with demand diffusion and stochastic technology improvement
This paper considers a firm's decisions on the introduction timing for successive...
Existence of coordinating transshipment prices in a two-location inventory model
We consider a two-location production/inventory model where each location makes...
Reliable due-date setting in a capacitated make-to-order system with two customer classes
We study a finite-horizon discrete-time model of due-date setting (equivalently,...
Optimal policies for a capacitated two-echelon inventory system
This paper demonstrates optimal policies for capacitated serial multiechelon...
Coordinating contracts for decentralized supply chains with retailer promotional effort
In this paper, a risk-neutral manufacturer sells a single product to a risk-neutral...
Inventory decisions in Dell's supply chain
The Tauber Manufacturing Institute (TMI) is a partnership between the engineering and...
Coordinating Production and Delivery Under a (z, Z)-Type Vendor-Managed Inventory Contract
This paper models a type of vendor-managed inventory (VMI) agreement that occurs in...
Variance vs. standard deviation: Variability reduction through operations reversal
We show that if the analysis of the model of Lee and Tang used standard deviation...
Value of information in capacitated supply chains
We incorporate information flow between a supplier and a retailer in a two-echelon...
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