Katok Elena

Elena Katok

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Found 22 papers in total
Wholesale Pricing under Mild and Privately Known Concerns for Fairness
This article studies the performance of wholesale pricing when the supply chain...
Order Stability in Supply Chains: Coordination Risk and the Role of Coordination Stock
The bullwhip effect describes the tendency for the variance of orders in supply chains...
Designing Buyback Contracts for Irrational But Predictable Newsvendors
One of the main assumptions in research on designing supply contracts is that decision...
A Laboratory Investigation of Rank Feedback in Procurement Auctions
A popular procurement auction format is one in which bidders compete during a live...
When Does It Pay to Delay Supplier Qualification? Theory and Experiments
We study a procurement setting in which the buyer seeks a low price but will not...
Production smoothing in a serial supply chain: A laboratory investigation
The purpose of this paper is to examine production smoothing in supply chains. Using...
Why Genius Leads to Adversity: Experimental Evidence on the Reputational Effects of Task Difficulty Choices
We use a behavioral laboratory experiment to study how agents with reputation concerns...
Do Auctioneers Pick Optimal Reserve Prices?
We investigate how auctioneers set reserve prices in auctions. A...
Contracting in supply chains: A laboratory investigation
The coordination of supply chains by means of contracting mechanisms has been...
A direct test of risk aversion and regret in first price sealed-bid auctions
Why do bidders tend to bid higher than the risk-neutral Nash equilibrium in sealed-bid...
Learning by Doing in the Newsvendor Problem: A Laboratory Investigation of the Role of Experience and Feedback
We investigate learning by doing in the newsvendor inventory problem. An earlier study...
Inventory service-level agreements as coordination mechanisms: The effect of review periods
A supplier stocking goods for delivery to a retailer may face a (finite–horizon)...
A comparison of buyer-determined and price-based multiattribute mechanisms
Reverse auctions are fast becoming the standard for many procurement activities. In...
The effect of timing on jump bidding in ascending auctions
We investigate the role of timing in ascending auctions under the premise that time is...
E-sourcing in procurement: theory and behavior in reverse auctions with noncompetitive contracts
One of the goals of procurement is to establish a competitive price while affording...
Auctions of homogeneous goods with increasing returns: Experimental comparison of alternative ‘Dutch’ auctions
Most business-to-business (B2B) auctions are used to transact large quantities of...
How effective are electronic reputation mechanisms? An experimental investigation
Electronic reputation or ‘feedback’ mechanisms aim to mitigate the moral...
Investment in production resource flexibility: An empirical investigation of methods for planning under uncertainty
We examine several methods for evaluating resource acquisition decisions under...
Jeppesen uses a dynamic-programming-based decision support system to manage inventory
We developed a system for managing inventory at Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc., a major...
Improving performance and flexibility at Jeppesen: The world's leading aviation-information company
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. maintains, manufactures, and distributes flight manuals...
Using mixed-integer programming to reduce label changes in the Coors aluminum can plant
Valley Metal Container (VMC), a joint venture between the Coors Brewing Company and...
Lot sizing in general assembly systems with setup costs, setup times, and multiple constrained resources
We introduce a heuristic method for finding good, feasible solutions for multiproduct...
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