Chen Yen-Liang

Yen-Liang Chen

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Found 18 papers in total
Mining consensus preference graphs from users' ranking data
The group ranking problem consists of constructing coherent aggregated results from...
From data to global generalized knowledge
The attribute‐oriented induction (AOI) is a useful data mining method that...
An overlapping cluster algorithm to provide non-exhaustive clustering
The partitioning clustering is a technique to classify n objects into k disjoint...
A data mining approach for retail knowledge discovery with consideration of the effect of shelf-space adjacency on sales
Recent marketing research has suggested that in-store environmental stimuli, such as...
Constraint-based sequential pattern mining: The consideration of recency and compactness
Sequential pattern mining is an important data-mining method for determining...
Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports: a new mining algorithm and a support tuning mechanism
Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports is an important generalization...
Finding the Kth shortest path in a time-schedule network
We consider the problem of finding the K th shortest path for a time-schedule network,...
Mining generalized knowledge from ordered data through attribute-oriented induction techniques
The attribute-oriented induction (AOI for short) method is one of the most important...
Market basket analysis in a multiple store environment
Market basket analysis (also known as association-ruling mining) is a useful method of...
Finding K shortest looping paths in a traffic-light network
In this paper we consider a traffic-light network where every node in the network is...
Finding the first k shortest paths in a time-window network
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
Minimization of travel time and weighted number of stops in a traffic-light network
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
Shipping problems with body clock constraints
Time window has been a common form of time constraint considered in the literature....
Shortest paths in traffic-light networks
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
Finding the critical path in an activity network with time-switch constraints
An activity network is an acyclic graph with non-negative weights and with a unique...
Critical path in an activity network with time constraints
An acyclic graph with nonnegative weights and with a unique source and destination is...
A fuzzy multi-objective programming approach for optimal management of the reservoir watershed
This paper applies a fuzzy multi-objective programming model for the evaluation of...
Shortest paths in time-schedule networks
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
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