Wedley William C.

William C. Wedley

Information about the author William C. Wedley will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
Modelling risk and uncertainty with the analytic hierarchy process
This paper proposes methods for modelling risk and uncertainty with the analytic...
Magnitude adjustment for analytic hierarchy process benefit/cost ratios
A feature of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that has not been subject to close...
A comment on ‘Rank Disagreement: A comparison of multi-criteria methodologies’
In a recent paper in this journal, Buede and Maxwell found reasonable agreement...
A field experiment comparing anchored and unanchored criteria weights in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
This study reports the results of a field experiment comparing the predictive validity...
Clusters, criteria and calibration-A reply to Hauser and Peniwati
Hauser and Peniwati have critized papers by the authors on the grounds that (1)...
A unified approach to AHP with linking pins
Recent work demonstrates the need for paired comparison estimates of criteria in the...
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